Penerapan Pulsed Electric Field pada Pasteurisasi Sari Buah Apel Varietas Ana: Kajian Karakteristik Nilai Gizi, Sifat Fisik, Sifat Kimiawi dan Mikrobia Total

La Choviya Hawa(1*), Ratna Ika Putri(2)

(1) Jurusan Teknik Pertanian Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, Jawa Timur
(2) Jurusan Teknik Elektro Politeknik Negeri Malang Jl. Veteran PO Box 04, Malang 65145
(*) Corresponding Author


Apple juice, extracted from apple of ana cultivar , was pasteurized using a pulsed electric field (PEF) method. The aimof this research was to analyze the changes on nutritional, physical and chemical properties and total microbes from apple juice after pasteurization. The research was conducted from July until Oktober 2009 located in Malang. The PEF treatment was carried out using treatment time variation for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 seconds. Several parameters of vitamin A and C, water content, density, pH, total soluable solid and total microbes were observed. The results showed that PEF treatment did not significantly change nutritional, physical and chemical properties and total microbes after pasteurization with PEF in compared with no treatment pasteurization. The highest degradation was found in treatment time for 60 seconds, i.e. 93.53 %.


Sari buah apel, yang diekstrak dari apel varietas ana, dipasteurisasi dengan metode pulsed electric field (PEF). Tujuanpenelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan karakteristik nilai gizi, sifat fisik, kimiawi dan total mikrobia sari buah apel sesudah dipasteurisasi. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Juli sampai dengan Oktober 2009 di Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan variasi waktu pengolahan 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 dan 60 detik. Parameter pengamatan yaitu vitamin A dan C, kadar air, berat jenis, pH, total padatan terlarut dan total mikrobia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai gizi, sifat fisik dan kimiawi dari sari apel  tidak mengalami perubahan signifikan dibandingkan sari apel tanpa perlakuan PEF. Penurunan total mikrobia terbesar pada waktu perlakuan 60 detik dengan efektivitas pembunuhan sebesar 93,53%.


Pulsed electric fi eld; treatment time; ana apple juice

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Copyright (c) 2012 La Choviya Hawa, Ratna Ika Putri

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agriTECH (print ISSN 0216-0455; online ISSN 2527-3825) is published by Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada in colaboration with Indonesian Association of Food Technologies.

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