Aplikasi Microwave untuk Disinfestasi Tribolium castaneum (Herbst.) serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Warna dan Karakteristik Amilografi Terigu

Nur Pratiwi Rasyid(1*), Edy Hartulistiyoso(2), Dedi Fardiaz(3)
(1) Institut Pertanian Bogor, Jl. Raya Darmaga Kampus IPB, Darmaga Bogor 16680
(2) Institut Pertanian Bogor, Jl. Raya Darmaga Kampus IPB, Darmaga Bogor 16680
(3) Institut Pertanian Bogor, Jl. Raya Darmaga Kampus IPB, Darmaga Bogor 16680
(*) Corresponding Author
This study aimed to determine the amount of microwave energy used for the disinfestation of T. castaneum and to observe its effect on discoloration and amilographic characteristic of treated wheat flour. Damages due to T. castaneum attack during storage caused physical and chemical changes in the wheat flour. The physical damage from this attack wasthe color change of the wheat flour, whereas chemical damage was caused by lipase enzyme activity and benzokuinon derived from the secretion of T. castaneum. The study was conducted on the wheat flour that was unfumigated in it smilling stage. The contamination of the wheat flour was artificially made by giving cultured T. castaneum, which were consisted of 10 males and 10 females, into 50 g as well as 100 g of wheat flour. After 42 days of storage time, the study showed that the mortality rate of untreated samples was 0 % both for 50 g and 100 g samples. The moisture showed an increase, while color-brightness level and viscosity peak were decreased. All of samples that were treated by 23.76 kJ, 24.00 kJ, 31.68 kJ and 36.00 kJ of microwave energy indicated 100% mortality of T. castaneum, whereas the color brightness, the amilographic peak, and moisture were decreased both on the mass of 50 g and 100 g after H+42 storage time.
Aplikasi microwave telah dipelajari untuk disinfestasi Tribolium castaneum (Herbst.) dan pengaruhnya terhadap karakteristik warna dan amilografi tepung terigu. Kerusakan karena serangan T. castaneum selama penyimpanan menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan fisik dan kimiawi tepung. Kerusakan fisik berupa terjadinya perubahan warna tepung, sedangkan kerusakan kimiawi karena adanya aktifitas enzim lipase dan benzokuinon yang berasal dari hasil sekresi T. castaneum. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan tepung yang tidak di fumigasi pada tahap milling. Kontaminasi pun dilakukan dengan memberikan biakan T. castaneum masing-masing 10 jantan dan 10 betina ke dalam 50 g dan 100 g sampel tepung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat mortalitas pada sampel yang tidak diberi aplikasi microwave setelah penyimpanan 42 hari adalah 0 % baik untuk sampel 50 g dan 100 g. Kadar air meningkat, sedangkan tingkat kecerahan warna, puncak viskositas menurun. Sampel yang diberi perlakuan energi microwave 23,76 kJ, 24,00 kJ, 31,68 kJ dan 36,00 kJ menunjukkan mortalitas 100 % dari T. castaneum, sedangkan kecerahan warna, puncak viskositas, kadar air, menurun setelah penyimpanan 42 hari baik pada berat sampel 50 g dan 100 g.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Nur Pratiwi Rasyid, Edy Hartulistiyoso, Dedi Fardiaz

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agriTECH (print ISSN 0216-0455; online ISSN 2527-3825) is published by Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada in colaboration with Indonesian Association of Food Technologies.