Study of Chemical Composition and Evaluation of Anti-hypertensive Effect of A Fixed Oil Extracted from Linum usitatissimum grains

  • Oulad Ali Halima Bioactive Molecules and Chiral Separation Laboratory, Faculty of exact sciences, Tahri Mohammed University, Istiklal street PO 417 Bechar, 08000, Algeria
  • Mebarka Bioactive Molecules and Chiral Separation Laboratory, Faculty of exact sciences, Tahri Mohammed University, Istiklal street PO 417 Bechar, 08000, Algeria
  • Nasser Belboukhari Bioactive Molecules and Chiral Separation Laboratory, Faculty of exact sciences, Tahri Mohammed University, Istiklal street PO 417 Bechar, 08000, Algeria
  • Khaled Sekkoum Bioactive Molecules and Chiral Separation Laboratory, Faculty of exact sciences, Tahri Mohammed University, Istiklal street PO 417 Bechar, 08000, Algeria
  • Kawther Bioactive Molecules and Chiral Separation Laboratory, Faculty of exact sciences, Tahri Mohammed University, Istiklal street PO 417 Bechar, 08000, Algeria
Keywords: Linum usitatissimum 1; linaceae 2; oil 3; HPLC 4 ; Hypertension 5


Globally grown flax seed is regarded as an oilseed with numerous medicinal and health are the outcomes of the physico-chemical analyses: pH value: 0.476; saponification index: 168.3; KOH/g: 28.05; peroxide index: 174; density: 0.951; refractive index: 1.482 at 18.1°C and 1.485 at 18.2°C; peroxide index: 1.70 at 0.96, 1.70 mg/100; all are related to the peroxide index. In this study we tried to test the ” anti-hypertension “ activity of this oil by simulating a blood cycle in the laboratory which allowed us to determine the variation in blood pressure as a function of the volume of oil injected into the blood cycle from 17.4 to 14.10. benefits such as: lowering blood pressure, blood sugar, decreasing the risk of neurological and obesity-related illnesses. The objective of this study is to extract the linseed oil and to characterize it chemically and physically; by pressing the seeds into two different temperatures : 67°C and 90°Coil yields ; 24% and 29% were obtained from linseed. The followings

Author Biography

Kawther, Bioactive Molecules and Chiral Separation Laboratory, Faculty of exact sciences, Tahri Mohammed University, Istiklal street PO 417 Bechar, 08000, Algeria

i am master student , specialization in chemistry, departement exactscience chemistry, Bioactive Molecules and Chiral Separation Laboratory, Be advised that we work, which presents new and encouraging results and contains scientific data about the oil Linum usitatissimum

How to Cite
Halima, O. A., Mebarka, B., Nasser, B., Khaled, S., & Kawther, A. S. C. (2024). Study of Chemical Composition and Evaluation of Anti-hypertensive Effect of A Fixed Oil Extracted from Linum usitatissimum grains. Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 12(1), 38-51.