Thank to Reviewers


Reviewer 2019

The editors and staff of Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences would like to thank warmly the reviewers whose comments helped to shape the journal, for their invaluable assistance with review of manuscripts in Volume 7 (2019).

1. Dr. Anggita Rosiana Putri, S.Si | Pharmaceutical Chemistry   | Scopus ; Google Scholar
2. Apt. Eka Indra Setyawan, M.Sc | Pharmaceutical Technology  | Scopus ; Google Scholar
3. Dr. Irnawati, M.Sc | Pharmaceutical Chemistry   | Scopus ; Google Scholar
4. Dr. Lily Arsanti Lestari, M.P | Natural Health Product/Bio-active Compounds  | Scopus ; Google Scholar
5. Apt. Rina Kuswahyuning, M.Si., Ph.D | Pharmaceutical Technology  | Scopus ; Google Scholar

Reviewer 2020

The editors and staff of Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences would like to thank warmly the reviewers whose comments helped to shape the journal, for their invaluable assistance with review of manuscripts in Volume 8 (2020).

1. Dr. apt. Adhyatmika, M.Biotech | Biopharmaceutics   | Scopus ; Google Scholar
2. Dr. Anggita Rosiana Putri, S.Si | Pharmaceutical Chemistry   | Scopus ; Google Scholar
3. Anjar Windarsih, M.Pharm.Sci | Analytical Chemistry   | Scopus ; Google Scholar
4. Dr. Irnawati, M.Sc | Pharmaceutical Chemistry   | Scopus ; Google Scholar
5. Dr. Lily Arsanti Lestari, M.P | Natural Health Product/Bio-active Compounds  | Scopus ; Google Scholar
6. Apt. Mitsalina Fildzah Arifah, M.Pharm.Sci | Analytical Chemistry | Scopus ; Google Scholar
7. Dr. rer. nat. apt. Nanang Fakhrudin, M.Si | Pharmacognosy | Scopus ; Google Scholar
8. Prof. Ir. Yuny Erwanto, M.P., Ph.D., IPM | Agricultural Food Biochemistry | Scopus ; Google Scholar

Reviewer 2021

The editors and staff of Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences would like to thank warmly the reviewers whose comments helped to shape the journal, for their invaluable assistance with review of manuscripts in Volume 9 (2021).

1. Anjar Windarsih, M.Pharm.Sci | Analytical Chemistry   | Scopus ; Google Scholar
2. Apt. Arif Nur Ikhsan, M.Pharm.Sci | Pharmaceutical Chemistry  | Scopus ; Google Scholar
3. Apt. Dharmastuti Cahya F, M.Pharm.Sci | Analytical Chemistry   | Scopus
4. Dr. Florentinus Dika Octa R, M.Sc | Pharmaceutical Chemistry   | Scopus ; Google Scholar
5. Dr. Irnawati, M.Sc | Pharmaceutical Chemistry   | Scopus ; Google Scholar
6. Dr. Lily Arsanti Lestari, M.P | Natural Health Product/Bio-active Compounds  | Scopus ; Google Scholar
7. Apt. Marlyn Dian Laksitorini, M.Sc., Ph.D | Neuropharmacology| Scopus ; Google Scholar
8. Prof. Ir. Yuny Erwanto, M.P., Ph.D., IPM | Agricultural Food Biochemistry | Scopus ; Google Scholar

Reviewer 2022

The editors and staff of Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences would like to thank warmly the reviewers whose comments helped to shape the journal, for their invaluable assistance with review of manuscripts in Volume 10 (2022).

1. Dr. apt. Agustina Ari Murti Budi H, M.Sc | Analytical Chemistry   | Scopus ; Google Scholar
2. Dr. Anggita Rosiana Putri, S.Si | Pharmaceutical Chemistry   | Scopus ; Google Scholar
3. Anjar Windarsih, M.Pharm.Sci | Analytical Chemistry   | Scopus ; Google Scholar
4. Apt. Arif Nur Ikhsan, M.Pharm.Sci | Pharmaceutical Chemistry  | Scopus ; Google Scholar
5. Apt. Dharmastuti Cahya F, M.Pharm.Sci | Analytical Chemistry   | Scopus
6. Dr. Florentinus Dika Octa R, M.Sc | Pharmaceutical Chemistry   | Scopus ; Google Scholar
7. Dr. Irnawati, M.Sc | Pharmaceutical Chemistry   | Scopus ; Google Scholar
8. Dr. Lily Arsanti Lestari, M.P | Natural Health Product/Bio-active Compounds  | Scopus ; Google Scholar
9. Apt. Marlyn Dian Laksitorini, M.Sc., Ph.D | Neuropharmacology| Scopus ; Google Scholar
10. Apt. Mitsalina Fildzah Arifah, M.Pharm.Sci | Analytical Chemistry | Scopus ; Google Scholar
11. Apt. Muhammad Novrizal Abdi S, M.Eng., Ph.D | Pharmacology | Scopus ; Google Scholar
12. Dr. rer. nat. apt. Nanang Fakhrudin, M.Si | Pharmacognosy | Scopus ; Google Scholar
13. Apt. Purwanto, M.Sc., Ph.D | Biotechnology | Scopus ; Google Scholar
14. Prof. Ir. Yuny Erwanto, M.P., Ph.D., IPM | Agricultural Food Biochemistry | Scopus ; Google Scholar