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Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement) Vol 8, No 1 (2022) Non-Communicable Disease Education through Risk Factor Screening on Employees of Bondowoso Campus, University of Jember Abstract   PDF
Arina Mufida Ersanti, Lirista Dyah Ayu Oktafiani
Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia Vol 4, No 1 (2018): April Non-Dental glass fiber impregnation on flexural strength of fiber reinforced composite Abstract   PDF
Nilasary Rochmanita Suparno, Siti Sunarintyas, Muhammad Kusumawan Herliansyah
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry ARTICLE IN PRESS Non-enzymatic Determination of Glucose in Artificial Urine Using 3D-µPADs through Silver Nanoparticles Formation Abstract   Full Text PDF   Full Text PDF-Suppl. Data
Ahmad Luthfi Fahmi, Kamila Rohadatul 'Aisy, Ika Oktavia Wulandari, Hermin Sulistyarti, Akhmad Sabarudin
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Vol 25, No 3 (2010): September NON-FINANCIAL FACTORS IN THE GOING-CONCERN OPINION Abstract   PDF   PDF
Junaidi Junaidi, Jogiyanto Hartono
Jurnal Filsafat Vol 33, No 2 (2023) Non-ideal Critical Realism Analysis on the Ethical Positions of Secular Doctors Towards Human Genome Editing Abstract   PDF
Albert Adiputra, Sindung Tjahyadi, Retna Siwi Padmawati
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 5 No. 3 (September 2019) Non-Linear Buckling Analysis of Axially Loaded Column with Non-Prismatic I-Section Abstract   PDF
Adrian Pramudita Dharma, Bambang Suryoatmono
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 6 No. 3 (September 2020) Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Flexural Reinforced Concrete Beam using Embedded Reinforcement Modeling Abstract   PDF
Mahmud Kori Effendi
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Vol 39, No 03 (2007) Nonmosaic 45, XO karyotype in a woman with Turner syndrome without any cognitive, psychosocial or behavioral deficiencies (A Case report) Abstract
Enny S Pamuji Djaswadi Dasuki
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 26, No 3 (2023): March Non-Muslim Voices on Halal Certification: From Sectoral-Religious Tendencies to State-Mandated Regulations Abstract   PDF
B.J. Sujibto, Fakhruddin M
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Vol 7, No 04 (1975) Nonspecific Urethritis(NSU) or Non-Gonococcal Urethritis(NGU),The Biggest Problem In Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD) A Literature Study Abstract   PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
Soedarmadi Soedarmadi
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Vol 44, No 01 (2012) Non-ST elevation of acute myocardial infarction caused by probable acute stent thrombosis after drug eluting stent implantation: a case report Abstract   PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
Budi Yuli Setianto Bagus Andi Pramono
ACI (Acta Cardiologia Indonesiana) Vol 5, No 2 (2019) Non-ST-Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction and Sustained Slow Ventricular Tachycardia due to Coronary Slow Flow Phenomenon: a Case Report Abstract   PDF
Baiq Gerisa Rahmi Faharani, Anggoro Budi Hartopo, Nahar Taufiq
Buletin Psikologi Vol 7, No 1 (1999) NONTON TELEVISI DAN AKTIVITAS MEMBACA PADA ANAK Abstract   PDF
Ratna Wulan
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Vol 22, No 1 (2007): January NON-TRADED GOODS AND PURCHASING POWER PARITY DEVIATION: EVIDENCE FROM ASEAN COUNTRIES Abstract   PDF
Tri Widodo, M.Ec.Dev.
Rubikon : Journal of Transnational American Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2015) NON-VIOLENCE PRINCIPLES IN KING’S SPEECHES AND ITS IMPACTS TO AFRICAN AMERICAN SOCIETY Abstract   PDF
Eryn Gemala Putri
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry Vol 9, No 2 (2009) NORARTOCARPETIN, FLAVONE DERIVATIVE FROM LEAVES OF Artocarpus fretessi Abstract   Full Text PDF
Nunuk Hariani Soekamto, Nursiah La Nafie, Fredryk Welliam Mandey, Marry Garson
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Vol 13, No 03 (1981) Norma Pertumbuhan Untuk Indonesia Abstract   PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
T. Jacob T. Jacob
Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan Vol 7, No 2 (2013) Normalitas Tegakan Berbasis Resiko untuk Pengaturan Kelestarian Hasil Hutan Tanaman Jati di Perum Perhutani Abstract   PDF
Rohman Rohman, Sofyan P Warsito, Ris Hadi Purwanto, Nunuk Supriyatno
Indonesian Journal of Geography Vol 54, No 3 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Geography Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Analysis to Evaluate Corn Cultivation Technology Based on Farmer Participation Abstract   PDF
Fadjry Djufry, Muhammad Farid, Ahmad Fauzan Adzima, Muhammad Fuad Anshori, Amir Yassi, Yunus Musa, Nasaruddin Nasaruddin, Muhammad Aqil, Hari Iswoyo, Muhammad Hatta Jamil, Sakka Pati
Populasi Vol 1, No 2 (1990): Desember NORMA-NORMA BESARNYA KELUARGA Abstract   PDF
Masri Singarimbun
Populasi Vol 2, No 1 (1991): Juni NORMA-NORMA DAN PERILAKU SEKS REMAJA Abstract   PDF
Masri Singarimbun
Jurnal Filsafat Jurnal Filsafat Seri 19 Agustus 1994 Norma-norma Kehidupan dalam Keluarga & Masyarakat: Sebuah Tinjauan Filsafat Sosial Abstract   PDF
Rizal Mustansyir
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business Vol 5, No 1 (2003): January-April NORMATIVE MODERATORS OF IMPULSE BUYING BEHAVIOR Abstract   PDF
Danes Jaya Negara, Basu Swastha Dharmmesta
Jurnal Studi Pemuda Vol 9, No 2 (2020): Perubahan Pemuda, Pernikahan, dan Keluarga Norms in Transition? The Relationship between Education and Singlehood Abstract   PDF
Diahhadi Setyonaluri, Aidah Maghfirah, Calvin Aryaputra
Jurnal Sain Veteriner Vol 32, No 2 (2014): DESEMBER North Kalimantan Is Free from EMS (Early Mortality Syndrome) in the Shrimps Abstract   PDF
Sab Lestiawan, Nugroho Sasongko Jati, Hermas Wiro
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