Vol 36, No 2 (2024)

After publishing the thematic issue in the first number of Volume 36, Humaniora publishes its regular issue in Volume 36 (2) 2024, consisting of 5 research articles, an empirical report, and a book review providing novel issues and discussion about societal issues grounded on Indonesian and Indonesia-related cultures such as cultural shift, aging farmers life, sociolinguistics, politics in traditional dance, gender and culture, ethnobotany, and Indonesian urban politics which makes a timely contribution to the discourse, particularly in Indonesia.

Humaniora is a free and open-access journal that provides selected credible research articles promoting the study of humanities from the perspective of Indonesian or Indonesian-related culture. The seven items in this edition are all open-access, and the respective PDF versions are being finalized in the layout-production stage and will be freely available to you soon. The DOIs will be activated following all the PDFs availability.

Table of Contents

Research Articles | Regular Edition

Nindyo Budi Kumoro, Franciscus Apriwan, Lailatul Maghfiroh, Abdul Charis Albahri
10.22146/jh.92637 Abstract views : 706 | views : 171
Firdaus Marbun
10.22146/jh.84836 Abstract views : 537 | views : 141
Sulhan Jamil, Kasiyan Kasiyan
10.22146/jh.91918 Abstract views : 555 | views : 124
Wira Kurniawati, Clorinda Zakiyya Putri, Amanda Aurelia Nugroho
10.22146/jh.89693 Abstract views : 396 | views : 142
Lilik Wahyuni, Alifiulahtin Utaminingsih, Dhia Al Uyun, Harsuko Riniwati, Wike Wike, Eti Setyiawati, Nabila Sella Almira, Nur Hikmah Arifin
10.22146/jh.90512 Abstract views : 498

Empirical Reports

Ema Kartika, Harto Wicaksono
10.22146/jh.93978 Abstract views : 1098 | views : 87

Book Reviews

Pamerdyatmaja Pamerdyatmaja
10.22146/jh.90055 Abstract views : 571