After publishing the thematic issue in the first number of Volume 36, Humaniora publishes its regular issue in Volume 36 (2) 2024, consisting of 5 research articles, an empirical report, and a book review providing novel issues and discussion about societal issues grounded on Indonesian and Indonesia-related cultures such as cultural shift, aging farmers life, sociolinguistics, politics in traditional dance, gender and culture, ethnobotany, and Indonesian urban politics which makes a timely contribution to the discourse, particularly in Indonesia.
Humaniora is a free and open-access journal that provides selected credible research articles promoting the study of humanities from the perspective of Indonesian or Indonesian-related culture. The seven items in this edition are all open-access, and the respective PDF versions are freely available.
Table of Contents
Research Articles | Regular Edition
Nindyo Budi Kumoro, Franciscus Apriwan, Lailatul Maghfiroh, Abdul Charis Albahri
Firdaus Marbun
Discourse of Khakot Lampung Dance as A Political Technology of The Body to Make Individuals Obedient
Sulhan Jamil, Kasiyan Kasiyan
Wira Kurniawati, Clorinda Zakiyya Putri, Amanda Aurelia Nugroho
Lilik Wahyuni, Alifiulahtin Utaminingsih, Dhia Al Uyun, Harsuko Riniwati, Wike Wike, Eti Setyiawati, Nabila Sella Almira, Nur Hikmah Arifin
Empirical Reports
Ema Kartika, Harto Wicaksono
Book Reviews
Pamerdyatmaja Pamerdyatmaja