The Connection between Arabic and Western Culture in the Rise of Populism

Fadlil Munawwar Manshur(1*)

(1) Department of Languages and Literatures, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


This article discusses the rise of populism in Arabic and Western cultures as well as the connection between them. This study shows that populism in the Arab and Western world have several common characteristics: resistance against the mainstream, xenophobia, isolation, intolerance, hostility towards strangers, extremism, radicalism, anti-multiculturalism, and anti-globalization. The rise of populism has affected Arabic and Western cultures, as well as their interactions. Because of populism, Western culture’s views of the outside world, strangers, immigrants, and Islam has changed significantly. Western culture, influenced by populism, tend to be intolerant, isolated, xenophobic, and lack trust in multiculturalism. Meanwhile, populism in Arabic culture tends to be more anti-Western, anti-capitalist, and anti-liberalist. With the rise of populism, relations between these two cultural entities have become colored by tension, distrust, suspicion, and xenophobia.


populism; Arabic culture; Western culture; xenophobia; anti-immigrant; anti-multiculturalism; anti-globalization

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