Submission and Initial Assessment: Authors submit their manuscripts to the journal, and the editorial team conducts an initial assessment. This includes checking for adherence to submission guidelines, ethical considerations, and basic formatting requirements.

Editorial Pre-Screening: Editors review the submission for overall suitability and alignment with the journal's focus and scope. Manuscripts that pass this stage proceed to the next step.

Reviewer Assignment: The editorial team assigns qualified and impartial reviewers to evaluate the manuscript. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise in the subject matter, ensuring a rigorous and fair assessment.

Reviewer Recommendations: Reviewers submit their recommendations to the editorial team, along with detailed comments. These recommendations may include acceptance, minor/major revisions, or rejection. The editorial team consolidates the feedback and makes decisions based on the reviewers' assessments.

Editorial Decision: The editorial team, considering the reviewers' recommendations, makes a final decision on the manuscript. This decision may include acceptance, acceptance with minor revisions, acceptance with major revisions, or rejection.

Author Revision: If revisions are required, authors are notified and provided with reviewers' comments. Authors are given a reasonable timeframe to address the feedback and submit a revised version of their manuscript.

Second Review (if necessary): In cases of major revisions or substantial changes, the revised manuscript may undergo a second round of peer review to ensure that the concerns raised by reviewers have been adequately addressed.

Final Decision and Publication: After successful revisions (if required), the editorial team makes a final decision on acceptance. Accepted manuscripts are prepared for publication, and authors are informed of the scheduled publication date.