ARNAWA uses the Committee of Publication Ethics (CoPE) as its reference on publication ethics. We are strongly opposed to the publication of plagiarized work or duplicate submissions. In addition, we have a commitment to ensure that all submissions are original. Therefore, the editorial office of our journal is responsible to cross-check to ensure that submitted Articles have not been published prior to their submission to this journal.

There is a limit to the extent that ARNAWA can examine submitted works. As such, we call upon external reviewers and the academic community to report any misconduct to our help desk officer via for prompt action to be taken.

ARNAWA may initiate a retraction if a work is proven to be fraudulent, or an expression of concern if our editors have well-founded suspicion of misconduct. In addition, ARNAWA can facilitate a replacement. In this case, the author(s)'s of the original article may wish to retract the flawed original article and replace it with a revised version.

Neither peer-reviewer's comments nor correspondence should contain personal attacks on authors. Editors and peer-reviewers should only criticize the work, not the researcher and should edit (or reject) letters containing personal or offensive statements.