Religiusitas dan Psychological Well‐Being Pada Korban Gempa

Sukma Adi Galuh Amawidyati, Muhana Sofiati Utami
(Submitted 25 August 2015)
(Published )


The purpose of this study is to examine the correlation between religiousity and psychological well‐being on earthquake survivor at Yogyakarta. Several studies show that religiousity give some benefits to reach well‐being. Both of variables are measured by Psychological Well‐Being Scale and Religiousity Scale. The result shows there is positive correlation between religiousity and psychological well‐being(r=0, 505; p<0,05). Religiousity contributed effectively 25,5% (R2=0,255) to psychological well‐being. Test analysis shows there is no differences of psychological well‐being caused by sex differences and the degree of home destruction. Using one way anova analysis, there is no differences of psychological well‐being caused by education level and marriage status.

Keywords: psychological well‐being, religiousity, earthquake survivor

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DOI: 10.22146/jpsi.7095


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