Jurnal Psikologi

Jurnal Psikologi aims to be a leading platform for disseminating and discussing pioneering research in the psychology of Indonesia. Building on our strong history of more than 40 years in understanding the psychological underpinnings of behavior, cognition, and emotion within the Indonesian context, we aspire to contribute to the global psychological discourse, highlighting the unique psychological landscape of Indonesia. The Journal welcomes a diverse array of scholarly articles, including original empirical research (both quantitative and qualitative), comparative studies, and comprehensive reviews that explore the breadth and depth of psychology concerning the Indonesian population. For more information, please refer to the Aims & Scope Jurnal Psikologi.

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Vol 51, No 3 (2024)

Table of Contents


Samudera Fadlilla Jamaluddin, Galang Lufityanto, Fredrick Dermawan Purba, Cokorda Bagus Jaya Lesmana, Sonny Andrianto, Rahkman Ardi, Ahmad Gimmy Prathama Siswadi, Ahmad Ridfah, Andreas Agung Kristanto, Bonar Hutapea, Luh Ketut Suryani, Suci Wisayanti, Rendy Alfiannoor Achmad, Rika Vira Zwagery, Elaine Frances Fernandez, Rozmi Ismail, Mai Sumiyati Ishak, Alfred Chan Huan Zhi, Intan Hashimah Mohd Hashim, Aqeel Khan, Ahmad Mustaqim Yusoff, Rafidah Aga Mohd Jaladin, Phatthanakit Chobthamkit
10.22146/jpsi.99452 Abstract views : 4967 | views : 3530
Suriati Abdul Gani, F. Danardana Murwani, Imanuel Hitipeuw, Carolina L. Radjah
10.22146/jpsi.94747 Abstract views : 2552 | views : 1432
Rafli Sodiq Bagaskara, Hanif Firdaus Gitya Iman Nurochim, Hadina Pramesti Diba Susilowati, Nisrina Nurika Agustin
10.22146/jpsi.101309 Abstract views : 2517 | views : 1011
Amalia Fitriyana, Ellya Nur Awwalin, Nur Zahidatus Salma, Muhammad Abdan Shadiqi, Zerlinda Rezkika Lestari Putri
10.22146/jpsi.101333 Abstract views : 2309 | views : 512
Benjamin Haryono, Susana Tjipto
10.22146/jpsi.95288 Abstract views : 2565 | views : 1193
Wawan Kurniawan, Muhammad Arham, Hamdi Muluk
10.22146/jpsi.101469 Abstract views : 3665 | views : 1713