“Urip Iku Mung Mampir Ngombe”; Konsep Kebahagiaan Masyarakat Miskin Pesisir Yogyakarta di Era Industrialisasi


Casmini Casmini*(1*), Fauzan Anwar Sandiah(2)

(1) BKI Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
(2) Program Doktoral Pascasarjana, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
(*) Corresponding Author


The study aimed to explore the concept of happiness of the coastal poor in Java. It was conducted using grounded approach through interviewing the poor in coastal D.I. Yogyakarta. Research subjects came from six different coastal areas; Parangtritis, Samas, Baru, Goa Cemara, Kuwaru, and Pandansari. This study used narrative content analysis for four aspects of the discourse that originated from 16 research subjects with the background of farmers, laborers, traders and fishermen; (1) a happy experience, (2) sad or risky experience, (3) sources of happiness, (4) individual interpretation of coastal environment conditions. The results showed that the concept of happiness was strongly associated with the fulfillment of physiological needs and social needs. "Urip iku mung mung mampir ngombe" (life is only a while) was the main narrative that described the concept of happiness as a subsistent strategy that became the foundation of the psychological welfare of coastal communities.


coastal poor communities; concept happiness; the concept of psychological well-being

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/jpsi.22732

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