ZnO-Loaded SA-g-Poly (AC-co-EBS) Hydrogel Nanocomposite as an Efficient Adsorption of Tetracycline and Phenol: Kinetics and Thermodynamic Models


Aseel Mushtak Aljeboree(1), Mohammed Kassim Al-Hussainawy(2*), Usama Salim Altimari(3), Shaymaa Abed Al-Hussein(4), Maha Daham Azeez(5), Ayad Fadhil Alkaim(6)

(1) Department of Chemistry, College of Sciences for Girls, University of Babylon, Hilla 51001, Iraq
(2) Ministry of Education, Directorate of Education Al-Muthanna, Al-Samawah, AL-Muthanna 66001, Iraq
(3) Department of Medical Laboratories Technology, AL-Nisour University College, Baghdad 10017, Iraq
(4) Department of Medical Laboratories Technology, Al-Manara College for Medical Sciences, Maysan 62001, Iraq
(5) National University of Science and Technology, Dhi Qar 64001, Iraq
(6) Department of Chemistry, College of Sciences for Girls, University of Babylon, Hilla 51001, Iraq
(*) Corresponding Author


A synthetic superabsorbent polymer hydrogel nanocomposite was prepared by the free radical graft co-polymerization method. This study included the preparation of two surfaces: first sodium alginate-g-(acrylic acid-co-sodium; 4-ethenylbenzenesulfonate), SA-g-poly (Ac-co-EBS) hydrogel, and second surface hydrogel after zinc oxide loading SA-g-poly (Ac-co-EBS). Hydrogel nanocomposite was prepared from different monomers for the removal of pollutants. The physical characterizations of nanocomposite have been studied using several techniques like UV-vis, FTIR, FE-SEM, TEM, EDX, and XRD. The data from the adsorption study show that E% increases with increasing contact time, with the best agitation time of 1 h, after which the adsorption becomes constant. The increase in adsorbent amount 0.01–0.1 g, the percentage removal of tetracycline (TC) and phenol (PH) increased from 60.639–97.085 and 487.71–94.05%, respectively, and Qe decreased 606.39–97.08 to 487.1831–94.456 mg/g on hydrogel. The ∆H value is endothermic. All processes of adsorption are considered spontaneous, from a negative value of ∆G to a positive value of ∆S. The release of the TC drug was studied in conditions similar to those in the human body in terms of acidity and temperature. The cumulative release of TC drug in 3 h was 50.65%, 42.33%, pH = 7.5 and pH 1.2, respectively.


kinetics; thermodynamic; hydrogel; adsorption; tetracycline; phenol

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