
Call of paper

Indonesian Journal of Chemistry invites all researchers in the field relating to chemistry to publish the results of their research in any style of publication (original research, short communication, and review). Within four weeks, the decision is announced.

Publication Frequency and call for paper

After publishing four issues since volume 18 (2018), the number of submitted papers increases significantly.  Therefore, to speed up qualified articles to be published internationally, Indonesian Journal of Chemistry publishes six issues (numbers) annually (February, April, June, August, October, and December) since 2020 (Volume 20). Therefore, we invite all authors to submit your qualified manuscripts of original research articles, reviews, short communication in our Journal. Within two months (longest) from submission, the decision of acceptance or rejection has been made. Submission is only via online.
Posted: 2019-12-17

Most Cited Articles

  1. WD Fitriana, T Ersam, K Shimizu, S Fatmawati, 2016, Antioxidant Activity of Moringa oleifera Extracts, Indones. J. Chem., 16 (3), 297–301
  2. A Rahman, A Ismail, D Jumbianti, S Magdalena, H Sudrajat, 2009, Synthesis of Copper Oxide Nano Particles by Using Phormidium cyanobacterium, Indones. J. Chem., 9 (3), 355–360
  3. MD Hidayati, T Ersam, K Shimizu, S Fatmawati, 2017, Antioxidant Activity of Syzygium polyanthum Extracts, Indones. J. Chem., 17 (1), 49–53
  4. A Lesbani, P Tamba, R Mohadi, F Fahmariyanti, 2013, Preparation of Calcium Oxide from Achatina fulica as Catalyst for Production of Biodiesel from Waste Cooking Oil, Indones. J. Chem., 13 (2), 176–180
  5. CS Tang, NMHN MH, 2007, Stability of Betacyanin Pigments from Red Purple Pitaya Fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus): Influence of pH, Temperature, Metal Ions and Ascorbic Acid, Indones. J. Chem., 7 (3), 327–331
  6. D Balarak, FK Mostafapour, 2019, Photocatalytic Degradation of Amoxicillin Using UV/Synthesized NiO from Pharmaceutical Wastewater, Indones. J. Chem., 19 (1), 211–218
  7. M Basyuni, N Amri, LAP Putri, I Syahputra, D Arifiyanto, 2017, Characteristics of Fresh Fruit Bunch Yield and the Physicochemical Qualities of Palm Oil during Storage in North Sumatra, Indonesia, Indones. J. Chem., 17 (2), 182–190
  8. N Herdyastuti, TJ Raharjo, M Mudasir, S Matsjeh, 2009, Chitinase and Chitinolytic Microorganism: Isolation, Characterization and Potential, Indones. J. Chem., 9 (1), 37–47
  9. MT Ekaprasada, H Nurdin, S Ibrahim, D Dachriyanus, 2009, Antioxidant Activity of Methyl Gallate Isolated from the Leaves of Toona sureni, Indones. J. Chem., 9 (3), 457–460
  10. N Syafni, DP Putra, D Arbain, 2012, 3,4-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid and 3,4-Dihydroxybenzaldehyde from the Fern Trichomanes chinense L.; Isolation, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Properties, Indones. J. Chem., 12 (3), 273–278
  11. H Winarno, 2009, Benzophenone Glucoside Isolated from the Ethyl Acetate Extract of the Bark of Mahkota Dewa [Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl.] and Its Inhibitory Activity on leukemia L121 Cell Line, Indones. J. Chem., 9 (1), 142–145
  12. S Suryati, H Nurdin, D Dachriyanus, MNH Lajis, 2011, Structure Elucidation of Antibacterial Compound from Ficus deltoidea Jack Leaves, Indones. J. Chem., 11 (1), 67–70
  13. ZM Saigl, 2021, Various Adsorbents for Removal of Rhodamine B Dye: A Review, Indones. J. Chem., 21 (4), 1039–1056
  14. A Hakim, L Liliasari, A Kadarohman, YM Syah, 2016, Improvement of Student Critical Thinking Skills with the Natural Product Mini Project Laboratory Learning, Indones. J. Chem., 16 (3), 322–328
  15. K Wahyuningsih, ES Iriani, F Fahma, 2016, Utilization of Cellulose from Pineapple Leaf Fibers as Nanofiller in Polyvinyl Alcohol-Based Film, Indones. J. Chem., 16 (2), 181–189
  16. S Hadi, M Rilyanti, S Suharso, 2012, In vitro Activity and Comparative Studies of Some Organotin(IV) Benzoate Derivatives Against Leukemia Cancer Cell, L-1210, 12 (2), 172–177
  17. H Habiddin, EM Page, 2019, Development and Validation of a Four-Tier Diagnostic Instrument for Chemical Kinetics (FTDICK), Indones. J. Chem., 19 (3), 720–736
  18. A Ridhay, A Noor, NH Soekamto, T Harlim, I van Altena, 2012, A Stigmasterol Glycoside from the Root Wood of Melochia umbellata (Houtt) Stapf var. degrabrata K., Indones. J. Chem., 12 (1), 100–103
  19. N Kasanah, T Triyanto, DS Seto, W Amelia, A Isnansetyo, 2015, Antibacterial Compounds from Red Seaweeds (Rhodophyta), Indones. J. Chem., 15 (2), 201–209
  20. RA Lusiana, D Siswanta, M Mudasir, 2016, Preparation of Citric Acid Crosslinked Chitosan/Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Blend Membranes for Creatinine Transport, Indones. J. Chem., 16 (2), 144–150
  21. MF Romadhan, NE Suyatma, FM Taqi, 2016, Synthesis of ZnO Nanoparticles by Precipitation Method with Their Antibacterial Effect, 16 (2), 117–123
  22. H Natsir, AR Patong, MT Suhartono, A Ahmad, 2010, Production and Characterization of Chitinase Enzymes from Sulili Hot Spring in South Sulawesi, Bacillus sp. HSA,3-1a, Indones. J. Chem., 10 (2), 256–260
  23. I Fatimah, E Sugiharto, K Wijaya, I Tahir, K Kamalia, 2006, Titanium Oxide Dispersed on Natural Zeolite (TiO2/Zeolite) and Its Application for Congo Red Photodegradation, Indones. J. Chem., 6 (1), 38–42
  24. W Simanjuntak, S Sembiring, K Sebayang, 2012, Effect of Pyrolysis Temperatures on Composition and Electrical Conductivity of Carbosil Prepared from Rice Husk, Indones. J. Chem., 12 (2), 119–125
  25. I Osasona, K Aiyedatiwa, J Johnson, OL Faboya, 2018, Activated Carbon from Spent Brewery Barley Husks for Cadmium Ion Adsorption from Aqueous Solution, Indones. J. Chem., 18 (1), 145–152

(Based on Google Scholar Database)

Posted: 2025-01-10

Publication Frequency

To fasten qualified articles to be published internationally, Indonesian Journal of Chemistry publish four issues (numbers) annually (February, May, August and November) since 2018 (Volume 18).  
Posted: 2018-01-17

Collaboration with International Conferences


Indonesian Journal of Chemistry collaborate with the organizing committee of International conferences to give more opportunity of researchers around the world to publish their qualified research results presented in the conferences.

  • The 5th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2019). Yogyakarta Indonesia, 30-31 July 2019. Link :
  • The International Symposium of Green Engineering & Technology 2019 (ISGET 2019). Malaysia 15-16 August 2019. Link :
  • International Conference On Chemical Sciences (ICCS 2019). Yogyakarta Indonesia, 15-16 August 2019. Link :


Posted: 2019-04-17 More...

Change of Reference Style


To give more information and make easily in checking the relevance, since Volume 17 Nomor 1 reference style in the article has been changed, in which the references have to be completed with the  article title. Therefore, all authors are requested  to adapt that change. 

An example:

Utari, U., Kusumandari, K., Purnama, B., Mudasir, M., Abraha, K., 2016, Surface morphology of Fe(III)-porphyrin thin layers as characterized by atomic force microscopy, Indones. J. Chem., 16(3), 233-238

Posted: 2017-03-14

Migration of Journal Web and Call for Papers


To improve and fasten services for users, since January 2017 Indonesian Journal of Chemistry have migrated from old: to new URL: Therefore, we invite all authors to submit your qualified manuscripts of original research articles, reviews, short communication in our Journal. Within two months (longest) from submission, the decision of acceptance or rejection has been made. Submission is suggested via online


Posted: 2017-01-02
1 - 6 of 6 Items