Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities of Polyeugenol with High Molecular Weight

Erwin Abdul Rahim(1*), Nur Istiqomah(2), Gilang Almilda(3), Ahmad Ridhay(4), Ni Ketut Sumarni(5), Indriani Indriani(6)
(1) Department of Chemistry, Tadulako University, Jl. Sukarno-Hatta Km 9, Palu 94148, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
(2) Department of Chemistry, Tadulako University, Jl. Sukarno-Hatta Km 9, Palu 94148, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
(3) Department of Chemistry, Tadulako University, Jl. Sukarno-Hatta Km 9, Palu 94148, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
(4) Department of Chemistry, Tadulako University, Jl. Sukarno-Hatta Km 9, Palu 94148, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
(5) Department of Chemistry, Tadulako University, Jl. Sukarno-Hatta Km 9, Palu 94148, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
(6) Department of Chemistry, Tadulako University, Jl. Sukarno-Hatta Km 9, Palu 94148, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
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