Bambang Rusdiarso(1*)

(1) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281.
(*) Corresponding Author


Synergistic extraction of cobalt(II) with mixture of acyl-pyrazolon (HL) and crown-ether (E) in the Sr(NO3)2 environment has been studied. In this research, HPMBP (phenyl-1-methyl-3-benzoil-4-pyrazolon-5) was used, with three different kinds of  crown-ether, i.e. (benzo-15-crown-5), DB18C6 (dibenzo-18-crown-6) and DB24C8 (dibenzo-24-crown-8), in chloroform. In the bulk environment  of stronsium,  a cobalt coextraction and stronsium occured with species ESrNO3+,Co(PMBP)3-, and E = B15C5,    while Co(PMBP)2E and ESr,Co(PMBP3)2, with E = DB18C6. There was no  coextraction when using crown-ether DB24C8, with the extracted species Co(PMBP)2E. Values of extraction constant presented in log Kex were -6.08 (B15C5), - 4.51,  -12.55 (DB18C6), and - 4.57 (DB24C8), respectively.


synergistic; cobalt(II); strontium(II); coextraction

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