Agustin Sumartono(1*), Winarti Andayani(2)
(1) Centre for the Application Technology of Isotopes and Radiation, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jl Cinere Pasar Jumat PO 7002 JKSKL Jakarta 12070
(2) Centre for the Application Technology of Isotopes and Radiation, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jl Cinere Pasar Jumat PO 7002 JKSKL Jakarta 12070
(*) Corresponding Author
Degradation of erionil red dye using photo catalytic processes with TiO2-zeolit as a catalyst was carried out. Degradation of the dye was observed in 10 L volume, and erionil red dye was used as a model of organic pollutant. The parameters examinated were intensity of the spectrum, the decrease of pH, percentage of degradation, and the efectifity TiO2-zeolit as a catalyst. The use of UV lamp and TiO2-zeolit as a catalyst showed a good results because the dye could be degraded. This could be seen from the decreasing of the intensity of the spectrum 24 h after illumination. The pH of erionil red increased from around 4 into 5.5 which is still acidic. Effectivity of TiO2 composit as a catalyst could be used only two times. The compound resulted from degradation that could be detected using HPLC was oxalic acid.
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