Reni Subawati Kusumaningtyas(1*), Leenawaty Limantara(2)

(1) SMART Research Institute, Jl. Teuku Umar 19 Pekanbaru, Riau 28112
(2) Ma Chung Research Center for Photosynthetic Pigment, Univ. Ma Chung, Malang 65151
(*) Corresponding Author


Isomerization and oxidation have been known as the major factors of the degradation of carotenoid compounds. Results showed that the isomerization of the carotenoid in the oil palm fruit, during the sterilization process, promotes the decrease of the concentration of trans a- and trans b-carotene approximately 21and 8%. The decrements have continued on the fruit digestion, pressing, and clarification processes. The isomerization is also indicated by the decreasing of the main peak spectra absorption intensity of a- and b-carotene about ±10,4%. The spectra  showed hypsocromic shift by ±3 nm. On the other hand, the oxidation of carotenoid has occurred in all steps of crude palm oil (CPO) production. The oxidation of a-carotene has caused the increasing amount of lutein: 49% of fruit after sterilization proces (BSt), 57% of crude oil after pressing (MSK), 17% of oil expurifier (MPF), and 5% of CPO product. The oxidation of b-carotene will increase the amount of zeaxantin: 53% of fruit after sterilization proces (BSt), 9% of crude oil after pressing (MSK), and 4% of oil expurifier (MPF).


Isomerization Carotenoid; oxidation Carotenoid; oil palm

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