Salprima Yudha S.(1*), Eka Angasa(2), Sri Ningsih(3), Syalfinaf Manaf(4), Suli Anggria Murni(5), Fatan Umbara(6)
(1) Laboratory of Bioinorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Bengkulu (UNIB), Jl. Raya Kandang Limun Bengkulu 38371A
(2) Laboratory of Bioinorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Bengkulu (UNIB), Jl. Raya Kandang Limun Bengkulu 38371A
(3) Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Gedung BPPT, Jl. MH. Thamrin 8, Jakarta 10340
(4) Department of Biology, University of Bengkulu, Jl. Raya Kandang Limun Bengkulu 38371A
(5) Laboratory of Bioinorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Bengkulu (UNIB), Jl. Raya Kandang Limun Bengkulu 38371A
(6) Laboratory of Bioinorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Bengkulu (UNIB), Jl. Raya Kandang Limun Bengkulu 38371A
(*) Corresponding Author
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