Chemical Characteristics and Activity of ACE Inhibitors on Fractionation of Tempeh Koro kratok (Phaseolus lunatus) Peptides

Marta Tika Handayani(1*), Retno Indrati(2), Muhammad Nur Cahyanto(3)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Tempeh is a fermented food that is good for health and has high nutritional value. Koro kratok tempeh is one of tempeh which is made from non-soybean legumes. The fermentation process will convert macromolecular compounds to micromolecules thereby increasing bioavailability and providing functional properties. This study aimed to find out the chemical properties of koro kratok tempeh and the effect of peptide molecular weight of koro kratok tempeh on ACE inhibition activity. The results show that koro kratok seeds contained 20.66% protein which total hydrophobic amino acid was 3.32% (w/w protein). This hydrophobic amino acid was higher than that soybean, indicated that koro kratok (Phaseolus lunatus) has a potential producing ACE peptide inhibitors. The koro kratok seeds had ACE inhibitory activity  19.72%. This activity increased to 84.97% when the seeds were fermented for 48h to become tempeh. Peptide fractionation showed that the smaller the molecular weight of the peptide, the higher the ACE inhibitory activity.


Tempe; koro kratok; fractionation; ACE-inhibitor

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Indonesian Food and Nutrition Progress (print ISSN 0854-6177, online ISSN 2597-9388) is published by the Indonesian Association of Food Technologist in collaboration with Department of Food and Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

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