
Issue Title
Vol 45, No 1 (2021): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 45 (1) FEBRUARY 2021 The Effect of Jamblang Leaves Extract (Syzygium cumini) Inclusion Skim Milk-Egg Yolk Extender on Motility, Abnormality and Viability of Aceh Cattle Spermatozoa Stored at 4ºC Abstract  PDF
Cut Intan Novita, Rosna Sari, Eka Meutia Sari
Vol 44, No 4 (2020): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 44 (4) NOVEMBER 2020 Morphometry of Male Reproductive Organ and Sperm Evaluation of Belgian Blue Crossbreed Cattle as a Candidate of Superior Bull Abstract  PDF
Riyan Nugroho Aji, Panjono Panjono, Ali Agus, Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto, Tety Hartatik, I Gede Suparta Budisatria, Ismaya Ismaya, Akhmad Fathoni, Dwi Astuti, Sigit Bintara
Vol 46, No 2 (2022): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 46 (2) MAY 2022 The Effect of Thawing Duration on the Post Thawing Quality of Bali Cattle’s Frozen Semen and Conseption Rate in Smallholder Farms of East Lombok Regency Abstract  PDF
Ikhwan Firhamsah, Sigit Bintara, Diah Tri Widayati
Vol 42, No 4 (2018): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 42 (4) NOVEMBER 2018 The Effect of Age on the Quality of Semen Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) Abstract  PDF
Riyan Nugroho Aji, Ismaya Ismaya, Sri Harimurti, Heru Sasongko, Sigit Bintara, Widya Asmarawati
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