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Rizal, Abdul, Faculty of Animal Science, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, 93232, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Rizal, Muhammad, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan, 70714 (Indonesia)
Rizal, Muhammad (Indonesia)
Rizal, Muhammad, Department of Animal Science Faculty of Agriculture University of Lambung Mangkurat (Indonesia)
Rizal, Yose (Indonesia)
Rizqi, Iin Ana (Indonesia)
Rizqiati, Heni, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University, Tembalang, Semarang (Indonesia)
rochijan, rochijan, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia)
Rochijan, Rochijan, Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Rodiallah, Muhamad, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Pekanbaru, 28293 (Indonesia)
Rodiallah, Muhammad, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Pekanbaru, 28293, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Rohaeni, Eni Siti (Indonesia)
Rohmah, Binti Nur, Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science, Faculty of Animal Science, University of Brawijaya, Malang, 65145, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Rohman, Asmaul Fauzi Latif Fatkhur, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Rohman, Holilul, Department of Animal Science, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jember, 68121 (Indonesia)
Rohmatussolihat, Rohmatussolihat, Research Center for Biotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Cibinong, 16911, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Romadhoni, R. Ahmad (Indonesia)
Roosita, Katrin, Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University, Bogor, 16680, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Rosartio, Rian (Indonesia)
Rosnah, Upik Syamsiar, Universitas Nusa Cendana (Indonesia)
Rosningsih, Sonita (Indonesia)
rouf, ari abdul, Gorontalo Assesment Institute for Agricultural Technology Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD) Ministry of Agriculture (Indonesia)
Rowan, K. J. (Indonesia)
Roxas, D. B. (Indonesia)
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