
Issue Title
Vol 28, No 2 (2023) The Effectiveness of Sungkai Leaf (Peronema canescens Jack.) Extract Gel on the Collagen Density of Incision Wounds in Vivo Abstract  PDF
Clarissa Ester Diana Putri, Herlina Eka Shinta, Fatmaria Fatmaria, Elsa Trinovita
Vol 24, No 1 (2019) Wound Healing Effects of Edible Bird’s Nests Oinment (Aerodramus fuciphagus) in Alloxan-Induced Male Rats Abstract  PDF
Dita Ayulia Dwi Sandi, Yaumi Musfirah
Vol 28, No 1 (2023) Skin Histopathology of Diabetes Mellitus Rats Treated with Edible Nest Swiftlets (Aerodhramus fuciphagus) Ointment Abstract  PDF
Dita Ayulia Dwi Sandi, Yaumi Musfirah
Vol 27, No 1 (2022) The Effectiveness of Red Fruit Oil (Pandanus conideus Lamk.) Emulgel on the Acceleration of the Incision Wound Healing Process Abstract  PDF
Fidia Rizkiah Inayatilah, Abdul Malik Guhir, Ria Ramadhani Dwi Atmaja
Vol 27, No 2 (2022) Standardization of Simplicia Golden Sea Cucumber (Stichopus hermanii) from Pelapis Island, West Kalimantan Abstract  PDF
Wintari Taurina, Mohamad Andrie
Vol 22, No 2 (2017) Effect of Diabetes Condition on Topical Treatment of Binahong Leaf Fraction in Wound Healing Process Abstract  PDF
Kintoko Kintoko, Hanifah Karimatulhajj, Trie Yuni Elfasyari, Ersi Arviana Ihsan, Teguh Adiyas Putra, Puspawan Hariadi, Citra Ariani, Nurkhasanah Nurkhasanah
Vol 23, No 1 (2018) Wound Healing Activity of Ethanolic Extract Gel of Tawas Ut Tuber (Ampelocissus rubiginosa L.) in Incisional Model Wistar Rats Abstract  PDF
Khoerul Anwar, Dewita Fitri Widodo, Nurlely Nurlely, Liling Triyasmono, Sudarsono Sudarsono, Agung Endro Nugroho
Vol 22, No 2 (2017) The Effectiveness Test of Oil Phase Ointment Containing Snakehead Fish (Channa striata) Extract on Open Stage II Acute Wounded Wistar Strain Male Rats Abstract  PDF
Fransisca Daisa, Mohamad Andrie, Wintari Taurina
Vol 15, No 3 (2010) ACTIVITY OF AMBON BANANA (Musa paradisiaca var. sapientum) STEM EXTRACT IN OINTMENT FORMULATION ON THE WOUND HEALING PROCESS OF MICE SKIN (Mus musculus albinus) Abstract  pdf (Bahasa Indonesia)
Bayu Febram, Ietje Wientarsih, Bambang Pontjo
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