

[NEWS] Update on SINTA Accreditation for Majalah Obat Tradisional


We are pleased to inform you that, based on the official letter issued by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Majalah Obat Tradisional's current accreditation rank will remain effective until the new accreditation results are officially announced. This decision ensures continuity and reliability in the quality standards of our publication during the ongoing accreditation evaluation process.

To download the official Letter of Accreditation Status, please click here.

To download our Certificate of Accreditation (SINTA 2), please click here.

We thank you for your continued trust and support. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Posted: 2025-02-19 More...

[NEWS] Introduction of Article Publication Charge (APC)


Dear Authors and Contributors,

We sincerely appreciate your continued support and contributions to Majalah Obat Tradisional. As of 2023, our journal has successfully achived indexing in Scopus, marking a major achievement in our journey towards excellence in scholarly publishing. With this achievement comes a necessary update in our publication policy.

Starting from May 1st, 2024, Majalah Obat Tradisional will be implementing an Article Publication Charge (APC) of IDR 3,250,000 (or equal to USD 200) for each manuscript accepted for publication. This charge will only apply to manuscripts that have successfully undergone the peer review process and have been accepted for publication in our journal.

For further information, please refer to the Author Fees page or contact Editorial Assistant at

Thank you for your cooperation as we continue to strive for excellence in scholarly publishing.

Posted: 2024-04-19 More...

[NEWS] Majalah Obat Tradisional Now Indexed in Scopus


We are pleased to announce that as of 2023, Majalah Obat Tradisional (Traditional Medicine Journal) has been accepted to be indexed in Scopus.

You may find our profile in Scopus through this link.

We encourage Authors and Researchers whose research aligns with our Focus and Scope to submit articles to Majalah Obat Tradisional (Traditional Medicine Journal) through this online submission link. Majalah Obat Tradisional (Traditional Medicine Journal) as an open-access journal is free of charge.


Posted: 2023-10-03

[IMPORTANT] Submit Your Article in English


Thank you for considering your article to be published in our journal.

As a journal on medicinal herbs and natural products, we, Majalah Obat Tradisional (Traditional Medicine Journal), are determined to always elevate our quality. We are pleased to take a step further by striving towards global recognition and accessibility. Authors and Scientists from around the world are welcome to contribute and share their research and discovery paralleling with our Focus and Scope. Hence, as of October 26th, 2018, we will only be accepting submissions written in English.

For Authors and Researchers who have submitted their articles in Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) before the pointed date above, we will be contacting you for translation options before your article could be published in Majalah Obat Tradisional (Traditional Medicine Journal).

New users (Authors and Researchers), who are interested in submitting research articles to Majalah Obat Tradisional (Traditional Medicine Journal), should read and follow the Author GuidelinesPlease note that articles that do not meet our language requirements will be declined immediately.

Posted: 2018-10-26 More...

[NEWS] Majalah Obat Tradisional Now Indexed in DOAJ


It is an honor to inform all Readers and Contributors of our journal that, as per April 27th, 2018, Majalah Obat Tradisional (Traditional Medicine Journal) had been accepted to be indexed in Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ)

You may find our entry in this link.


Posted: 2018-05-04 More...

Journal Template Uploaded

The journal template for submission purpose has been uploaded to Majalah Obat Tradisional (Traditional Medicine Journal) Official Website. Please refer to the Journal Template Side Bar or click here in order to download it to your personal directory.  
Posted: 2017-10-23 More...

Change of E-mail Address


As of October 17, 2017, Majalah Obat Tradisional (Traditional Medicine Journal) has officially changed its primary e-mail address for correspondence. Consequently, the previous e-mail address has been displaced and saved as alternative.

The new e-mail address of Majalah Obat Tradisional is Kindly refer to our new e-mail address for inquiries and other communication purpose.

Best Regards.

Posted: 2017-10-18 More...

Editore's Note for Volume 22 No. 2, 2017

Welcome to Majalah Obat Tradistional (Traditional Medicine Journal). Herewith, we announce that Majalah Obat Tradisional Volume 22 No. 2 has been published on August 30th, 2017. We are proud to present you our consistency with ten outstanding articles particularly in the study of herbal traditional medicine.  
Posted: 2017-09-13 More...

Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) updated


The code or serial numbers used for Digital Object Indentifier (DOI) has been updated and activated.

Posted: 2017-09-13 More...
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