The Characterization of Fructose-Based High-Fat Diet and Low-Dose Streptozotocin in A Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Rat Model

Keywords: Fructose, high-fat diet, streptozotocin, diabetic model, Wistar rats


Animal models with valuable information on biochemical profiles are essential for preclinical trials of new antidiabetic agents. This study was to optimize and characterize of high-fat, high-fructose diet (HFFD) and low-dose streptozotocin (STZ) induced type 2 diabetes mellitus (type 2 DM). Wistar rats were fed with HFFD for 2, 4, and 6 weeks, followed by STZ (35 mg/kg BW), thus measuring the biochemical parameters. Non-induction HFFD and STZ were used as a normal control group. HFFD and low-dose STZ-induced rats demonstrated an elevation in the body weight, fasting blood glucose, triglyceride, triglyceride/ glucose index, necrosis score, and the insulin-negative cells. Moreover, this induction also reduced the number of insulin-positive cells and the percentage of insulin-positive cells. The findings imply that feeding Wistar rat HFFD for two weeks, followed by a single dose of STZ at 35 mg/kg BW will result in a reliable and stable diabetic rat model that closely resembles the biochemical characteristics of type 2 DM.


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How to Cite
Arifah, F. H., Nugroho, A. E., Rohman, A., & Sujarwo, W. (2025). The Characterization of Fructose-Based High-Fat Diet and Low-Dose Streptozotocin in A Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Rat Model. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 36(1), 82-95.
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