Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy Presented Award to the Most cite and the Most Downloaded Papers.

The Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy is one of the journals published by the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada. It has been indexed by Scopus since 2016 and published in 35 volumes for over 35 years. The journal has received original research and review articles in pharmacy, pharmacology, toxicology, pharmaceuticals, clinical, and community pharmacy. 

To appreciate all the authors who decided to choose the Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy to disseminate their research work, this year, the Editor provide an appreciation to the manuscripts that falls the categories of the manuscript with the most citations (2000-2024) and the manuscript with the most readers (the most read manuscript).

The most cited manuscript published in the Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy was "Phytochemical Profile and Antioxidant Activity Of Guazuma ulmifolia Leaves Extracts Using Different Solvent Extraction. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 31(3), 171-180.” written by Rafi, M., Meitary, N., Anggraini Septaningsih, D., & Bintang, M, published in 2020. This manuscript has been cited 28 times by Scopus-indexed journals, providing a significant contribution to improving IJP’s citation rate.

In addition to the most cited manuscript, the Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy also appreciates the manuscript that has drawn the most readers. This category achieved by the manuscript “Development of New Isolation and Quantification Method of Piperine from White Pepper Seeds (Piper Nigrum L) Using A Validated HPLC. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy32(2), 158-165. written by Kusumorini, N., Nugroho, A. K., Pramono, S., & Martien, R back in 2021. This manuscript has been downloaded 2505 times and cited 13 times since it was published.

Marlyn Laksitorini PhD, editor in chief of IJP, mentioned that this appreciation is given to encourage the author to submit the best and most significant research works to the Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy. In addition to the certificate of accomplishment, IJP provides a 50% discount on the article processing fee for the author of that manuscript for further use.

The Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy provides appreciation to all reviewers who have made significant contributions to the review process of the Indonesian of Pharmacy manuscript. The journal provides a certificate of appreciation and a 25% discount on APC to Prof. Dr. Ika Puspita Sari, M.SI., Dr Purwanto, M.Sc., and Dr Sekar Ayu Pawestri, M.Sc., who has been reviewing manuscripts 54, 22, and 17 times, respectively, within 2000-2024. In addition to the internal reviewer, the appreciation is also presented to the external reviewer, who has dedicated their time to review the manuscript in IJP: Dr. Floretinus Dika Octa Rismawan M.Sc., Dr. Bantari Wisynu Kusuma Wardani, and Prof Dr. Enade Perdana Istyastono M. Sc that has reviewed IJP manuscripts 24 times, 17 times and 17 times respectively. The Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy has more than 400 active reviewers. These individuals are representative of all the components of IJP that have strived to continue publishing high-quality research work in IJP.

Indonesian J Pharm