Pharmacoeconomic modelling in an assessment of acute respiratory disease treatment under etiological uncertainty
Background: The rising of medical innovative treatment costs, combined with limited resources, have resulted in an explosion in the number of pharmacoeconomic assessments currently being conducted. In parallel with the escalating prices of novel pharmacological entities, pharmacoeconomic assessments have become increasingly relevant in decision-making. Methods: The aim of this study was to provide a theoretical justification and develop the scientific and methodological underpinnings of the efficacy of pharmacotherapy of viral infections using a mix of pharmacoeconomic analysis and mathematical modelling methodologies. The general concept of modelling was based on patient recovery or death using various pharmacotherapy technologies in the presence and absence of a viral infection, as well as using speed of recovery as a favourable prognostic sign and criterion for the effectiveness of the applied pharmacotherapy technology. Results: Two alternative approaches were compared on the basis of decision trees, with the derivation of a universal criterion for the cost-effectiveness of introducing an additional treatment. The practical implementation of the proposed model was shown using the example of inclusion of the drug vitaglutam as an additional antiviral pharmacotherapy for patients with community-acquired pneumonia. Conclusions: Modelling of the normalisation of clinical and laboratory parameters combined and the duration of hospitalisation showed that the cost-effectiveness of additional pharmacotherapy for community-acquired pneumonia of viral-bacterial etiology could be reduced by an average of 29 %, based on the dynamics of normalisation of clinical and laboratory parameters compared with days of hospitalisation. This indicates that resource savings can be made by introducing this method to analyse the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy.
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