New Valid and Reliable of Bahasa Version of QoL Instrument Based On The Health Condition: HRQ-6D
New valid and reliable Generic instrument of HRQoL
Health-related quality of life is very important to be measured as the parts of Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO). PRO can show the disease proression and also may influence the clinical decision making. There are many QoL instruments available in Indonesia as generic and specific instruments, however, there is no QoL instrument which measured the respondents’ functions based on the health status. This study is aimed to translate, adapt and validate the new QoL instrument based on the health condition, namely HRQ-6D (Health Related Quality of Life, 6 Dimensions). We conducted forward and backward translations. The subjects were people who lived in Yogyakarta city with aged more than 18 years old, and agreed to participate in this study. While the exclusion criteria were patients whose questionnaire data were incomplete. We shared the questionnaire to the area of Yogyakarta from September to October 2023. We used Pearson correlation, Cronbach alpha reliability test and Student T-test for the validity and reliability assessment.
We recruited 69 respondents with mostly female (60.9%) and the age is more than 60 yo (80.9%). Based on the health condition, more than fifty percent of the subjects (59.4%) were in Category 1, which considered as healthy, and only one subject were having more than one disease and have been hospitalized more than three times due to the disease or the complications (Category 4). The reliability test showed the Cronbach alpha value between 0.60-0.75. And all of the items in the questionnaire met the convergent and discriminant validity.
TheHRQ-6D can be implemented as the new Bahasa Version of QoL instrument, supported with the validity and reliability assessment.
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