Building Patient Loyalty in Pharmacy Service: A Comprehensive Model
The function of pharmacy services has been expanded becomes patient-centered care. Pharmacy services are an important part of creating provider-patient relationships which are currently a popular indicator of healthcare quality. Customer loyalty reflects a strong and positive relationship between customers and service providers The purpose of this study was to explore the mechanism of pharmacy services, patient emotions, satisfaction and trust in influencing patient loyalty. In addition, determines the mediating role of emotional factors, satisfaction and trust. A cross sectional survey has been conducted in outpatient department. The purposive sampling method were used in this study. A total of 300 respondents from six referral hospitals were interviewed. The partial least square-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach were performed to data analysis. Pharmacy service has a significant effect on positive emotions, satisfaction and trust. The satisfaction has a positive effect on trust and patient loyalty. Trust has a significant influence on patient loyalty. Positive emotions has a positive effect on patient loyalty. Furthermore, positive emotions, satisfaction and trust have a full mediating role. The satisfaction has a partial mediating effect in the relationship between pharmacy service and trust. Trust has a partial mediating effect in the relationship between satisfaction and patient loyalty. Pharmaceutical services have an indirect effect on patient loyalty. These findings emphasize the importance of the pharmaceutical services contribution in building relationships with patients.
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