Characterization of Curcumin from Curcuma purpurascens Blume and Its Activity Test as Antioxidant and Antilipase
Curcuma purpurascens Blume is a plant in the Zingiberaceae family and known as temu blenyeh. This plant has been used as a medicinal plant but there is still little research and not much has been reported about its chemical components. The research aimed to isolate and characterize the chemical components of the rhizomes of C. purpurascens and test its activity as an antioxidant and antilipase. The ethanol extract of temu blenyeh (Curcuma purpurascens Blume) underwent antioxidant activity-guided purification using vacuum liquid chromatography to obtain pure compounds. The antioxidant activity test used the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1picrylhydrazyl) method, while the antilipase activity test performed inhibition of pancreatic lipase enzyme activity. The results showed that the ethanol extract had antioxidant activity with an IC50 value of 55.501±0.361µg/mL with the positive control Vitamin C having an IC50 of 5.843±0.181µg/mL. The antilipase activity of the ethanol extract had an IC50 value of 117.863 ± µg/mL. The antilipase activity of orlistat as a positive control had an IC50 value of 12.265 ± µg/mL. The ethylacetate fraction activated the lipase enzyme with the highest inhibition of 70.33%. Curcumin was isolated from the ethyl acetate fraction of C. purpurascens rhizomes in the form of a yellow-orange powder with antioxidant activity of IC50 71.305±0.215µg/mL and was found to be an active lipase inhibitor with an IC50 of 54.786±5.588µg/mL. The structure was identified using UV-Vis, IR, UPLC-MSMS, 1D-NMR, and 2D-NMR analysis.
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