Indonesian Journal of Veterinary Sciences with registered number ISSN 2722-421X (online) is a national journal published by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada and Indonesian United of Veterinary (PDHI). Publication in IJVS including original articles, reviews and case reports of a high scientific and ethical standard in all aspects of veterinary and biomedical research. The primary aim of the journal is to inform veterinary and biomedical scientists of significant advances in veterinary and related research through prompt publication and dissemination. Secondly, the journal aims to provide a general multi-disciplinary forum for discussion and debate of news and issues concerning veterinary science. Thirdly, to promote the dissemination of knowledge to a broader range of professions, globally. IJVS encourages papers providing results that have clear implications for understanding disease pathogenesis and for the development of control measures or treatments, as well as those dealing with a comparative biomedical approach, which represents a substantial improvement to animal and human health.
Vol 4, No 1 (2023): March
Table of Contents
Sarmin Sarmin
Yanuartono Yanuartono, Alsi Dara Paryuni, Soedarmanto - Indarjulianto, Hary - Purnamaningsih
Sarmin Sarmin
Farrah Eka Putri Aprilia, Yasmin Mutiara Sari, Raihan Arief Setiawan, Windi Ayutia Putri, Fahria Karima Benevalanti, Auzan Sukaton, Yudhi Ratna Nugraheni
Yudhya Sekar Lolita, Yanuartono - -, Indarjulianto - Soedarmanto, Sitarina - Widyarini
Claude Mona Airin