Synthesis of Zeolite/NPK Coated with Cu-Alginate-PVA-Glutaraldehyde as a Slow-Release Fertilizer

Ratna Betriani(1*), Sutarno Sutarno(2), Indriana Kartini(3), Jolang Budiarta(4)

(1) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
(2) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
(3) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
(4) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


The objectives of this study were to synthesize zeolite/NPK coated with Cu-alginate-PVA-glutaraldehyde as a material for slow-release fertilizers and to study the effect of various Cu concentrations in the coating material on the resistance of the zeolite/NPK fertilizer and to study the release rate reaction in citric acid. The study began with the synthesis of the zeolite/NPK fertilizer and the Cu-alginate-PVA-glutaraldehyde coating materials with variations of Cu concentration of 0.0; 0.2; 0.4; 0.6; 0.8; and 1.0 M. The Zeolite/NPK fertilizer and the coated NPK fertilizer were characterized by XRD and FTIR. The determination of the released N and P was conducted using a UV-Visible spectrophotometer, while released K and Cu was analyzed using AAS. XRD showed that the composite had a crystalline structure. The FTIR spectra showed characteristic cross-linking interactions between PVA-glutaraldehyde and Cu-alginate. A study of the release kinetics of zeolite/NPK coated with Cu-alginate-PVA-glutaraldehyde showed that increasing Cu concentration to 0.4 M decreased the amount of nutrition released, and the release process followed the pseudo-second-order kinetics. The release rate constants of N,P,K and Cu in the citric acid medium on zeolite/NPK coated with Cu 0.4 M were 8.49 × 10−3, 17.48 × 10−3, 21.73 × 10−3, and 8.57 × 10−3 mg g−1 h−1, respectively.


alginate; crosslink; Cu; glutaraldehyde; PVA

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