Marham Sitorus(1*), S. Ibrahim(2), H. Nurdin(3), D. Darwis(4)
(1) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medan State University
(2) Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Andalas State University
(3) Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Andalas State University
(4) Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Andalas State University
(*) Corresponding Author
The ricinoleic of Castor Oil was dehydrated by various dehydrator agent (P2O5, K2CO3, H3PO4, NaHSO4, Al2O3, molecular sieve and activated bentonite at 450 °C - HCl) on the same condition (150 °C, mol ratio 1:1 and 2 hours ). The compositions of Refined Ricinus Castor Oil as starting material were : 0.92% palmitic , 5.56% linoleic , 4.07% octadecanoic , 1.22% stearic and 85.06% ricinoleic. The spesific wave number of IR was bandwith 3411 cm-1 caused of hydroxyl (-OH) group of ricinoleic at C-12 as main component. The product was Dehydrated Castor Oil (DCO) mixed of linoleic (omega 6) [C18 : 2 (9,12)] and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) [C18: 2 (9,11)]. The best dehydrator was P2O5 based on three parameters were : Free Fatty Acid (FFA) nearly the same (1.855% of Castor oil and 2.139% of DCO), the most increased of Iodium value (49.860 mg/g of Castor oil in to 63.090 mg/g of DCO), and the most decresed of hydroxyl number (28.27 mg of Castor oil in to 17.75 mg/g of DCO). To optimized the dehydration was done by various number of P2O5 (3g, 5g and 7g), tempereture (room, 100 °C and 150 °C) and time (2h, 2.5h, 3h, and 3.5h). The optimal conditon of dehydration was not found yet. Some of sugestted or idea for dehydration were: dehydration must be done by base or netral, non oxydator dehydrator, mol ratio 1:1, temperature (100-150 °C) and 2-3.5 h. Based on GC-MS the best DCO (7g P2O5, 150 °C and 3.5 h) were showed that the decrease of ricinoleic 14.13% (85.08% of Castor Oil in to 70.93% of DCO), increased linoleic 2.09% (5.56 of Castor oil in to 7.65% of DCO) and conducted of 9.09% CLA. Some new peaks between linoleic and ricinoleic are maybe isomer's of linoleic and CLA. The wave number of cunjugated alkene (C=C) (1666.3 cm-1) of IR spectra of DCO together with GC-MS chromatogram's to indicated that linoleic and CLA were conducted.
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