Daniel Tarigan(1*)
(1) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mulawarman University, Jl. Barong Tongkok No.4, Kampus Gn. Kelua, Samarinda
(*) Corresponding Author
Maltose has been partially acetylated from the reaction of melted maltose and acetic anhydride without solvent and catalyst to produce maltocyl acetate with the yield of 67%. Lauryc acid can be methanolized using H2SO4 as the catalyst to produce methyl laurate with the yield of 92%. The transesterification of methyl laurate and maltocyl acetate in methanol using sodium methoxyde as the catalyst at reflux, yielded a novel compound dilauroyl maltose after isolated by column chromatography, with the yield of 59%. Methyl laurate, maltocyl acetate, and dilauroyl maltose were confirmed by FT-IR and 'H-NMR spectroscopy, and the surface tension of dilauroyl maltose solution was determined by Du-Nuoy tensiometer to obtain the HLB value of 2.67.
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