Sulmiyati Sulmiyati(1*), Gemini E. M. Malelak(2)

(1) Universitas Nusa Cendana
(2) Universitas Nusa Cendana
(*) Corresponding Author


The research aimed was to analyse the effect of a temperature of 75°C with levels of biduri leaf extract on the characteristics phsyicochemical, chemical, the color characteristics of L*, a*, b*, hardness, tannin content, microstructure, and organoleptic of suspesi. This experimental study used a Completely Randomized Mono Factor Design with three treatments and five replications. Treatment is given in making suspesi L1 = Biduri leaf extract level 2% temperature 75°C, L2= Biduri leaf extract level 2.5% temperature 75°C, L3 = Biduri leaf extract level 3% temperature 75°C, L4 = Biduri leaf extract level 3.5% temperature 75°C, L5 = Biduri leaf extract level 4% temperature 75°C. The variables measured were coagulation time, curd production, whey percentage, pH of curd, lactic acid percentage, air content, protein, fat, carbohydrates, L*, a*, b* color measurements, hardness, tannin content, microstructure, and organoleptic characteristics. The results obtained were that the effect of temperature 75°C with the level of biduri leaf extract significant effect (P<0.05) on coagulation time, curd production, whey percentage, lactic acid percentage, organoleptic characteristics, hedonic quality aspects of color, taste and texture, and hedonic aspects of color, taste, and texture and did not show a significant effect (P>0.05) on pH of curd, water content, protein content, fat content, carbohydrates content, hedonic quality aspects of smell, hedonic aspect of color, smell, the color of L*, a*, b*, Wi, Yi, hardness, tannin content. The effect of temperature 75°C with the level of biduri leaf extract has an influence on the microstructure. Conclusion: Given biduri leaf extract at different levels added at a temperature of 75°C, the characteristics of suspesi in physiochemical characteristics, organoleptic, and the microstructure of suspesi had decreased in line with the increase in the level of biduri leaf extract added. The best suspesi was at a level of giving biduri leaf extract at the level of 2% at temperature of 75°C.


Calotropis; Cheese; Level; Nusa Tenggara Timur; Suspesi

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10. Sulmiyati


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