Application of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) For Quality Improvement of Suwar Suwir Product

I.B. Suryaningrat(1*)
(1) Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember
(*) Corresponding Author
This product is produced by small and medium agroindustries in Jember. Various and low of
improvement product are still common problems faced by producers. Evaluation of this
product is needed to improve quality of the product. Presently, evaluation of consumer
expectation is never conducted to improve product quality and to answer consumer expectation
as well. One of the method used to solve that problem is QFD. Sixty respondents were
interviewed in this study. Information were collected from many resources such as outlet
owners, producers, workers, processing operators and marketing staff. We found that 4
attributes from consumers were taste, color, aroma and texture which were answered by nine
technical responses. In term of product performance, based on product comparison analysis,
we found that the consumers much more satisfy with suwar suwir produced by Barokah Jaya
compare to Primadona and Kartini.Furthermore, the result of QFD analysis showed that
suwar suwir from Barokah Jaya could achieve the target compare to the competitors. Based on
the results, we concluded that Barokah Jaya could answer consumer’s expectation using its
technical responses.
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