“Agroindustrial Journal” is a scientific journal published by Department of Agro-industrial Technology UGM in collaboration with Perkumpulan Profesi Teknologi Agroindustri (APTA). “Agroindustrial Journal” publishes research in agroindustrial systems engineering, technology and management. The subject matter in “Agroindustrial Journal” reflects the specific range and interdisciplinary nature of research in agroindustrial technology.
The journal publishes original research paper and review paper two times a year in June and December based on topics coverage but not limited to: 1) Industrial systems and management; 2) Bio-industry; 3) Production systems; 4) Quality analysis and standardization; 5) Systems analysis and industrial simulation; 6) Product engineering and waste management. The target readers of Agroindustrial Journal are, but not limited to, Researcher, Lecuturer, Student, and Instructor.
Vol 11, No 2 (2024)
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Table of Contents
Zahra Faradisyi, Guntarti Tatik Mulyati, Arita Dewi Nugrahini
Saputera Saputera, Erni Dwi Puji Setyowati, Wayan Riki Mahendra, Rahmad Zulkifly
Thabed Tholib Baladraf
Kurnia Harlina Dewi, Helmiyetti Helmiyetti, Ruca Ruci
Ulfah Izdihar, Novita Erma Kristanti, Nurbaiti Nurbaiti, Indira Hapsarini, Ayu Rahayu Saraswati