Majalah Obat Tradisional

Majalah Obat Tradisional (Trad. Med. J) promotes advances in the discovery and development of herbal and traditional medicine. Articles focus on the cultivation and extraction of raw materials, or the analysis of these materials’ phytochemical or pharmacological effects and toxicity, as well as their potential applications of natural extracts, fractions, or compounds in the formulation of traditional medicine.

Majalah Obat Tradisional (ISSN: 1410-5918, E-ISSN: 2406-9086) employs a double-blind peer review, and as of 2018, only accepts articles written in English. We believe in removing barriers to the dissemination of important research. Therefore, articles published in Majalah Obat Tradisional are immediately open access. In addition, authors are required to pay article publication fee upon acceptance.

The journal is published three times a year by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada and is nationally accredited (SINTA2) by the Directorate General of Research and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia.

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[NEWS] Update on SINTA Accreditation for Majalah Obat Tradisional


We are pleased to inform you that, based on the official letter issued by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Majalah Obat Tradisional's current accreditation rank will remain effective until the new accreditation results are officially announced. This decision ensures continuity and reliability in the quality standards of our publication during the ongoing accreditation evaluation process.

To download the official Letter of Accreditation Status, please click here.

To download our Certificate of Accreditation (SINTA 2), please click here.

We thank you for your continued trust and support. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Posted: 2025-02-19 More...

[NEWS] Introduction of Article Publication Charge (APC)


Dear Authors and Contributors,

We sincerely appreciate your continued support and contributions to Majalah Obat Tradisional. As of 2023, our journal has successfully achived indexing in Scopus, marking a major achievement in our journey towards excellence in scholarly publishing. With this achievement comes a necessary update in our publication policy.

Starting from May 1st, 2024, Majalah Obat Tradisional will be implementing an Article Publication Charge (APC) of IDR 3,250,000 (or equal to USD 200) for each manuscript accepted for publication. This charge will only apply to manuscripts that have successfully undergone the peer review process and have been accepted for publication in our journal.

For further information, please refer to the Author Fees page or contact Editorial Assistant at

Thank you for your cooperation as we continue to strive for excellence in scholarly publishing.

Posted: 2024-04-19 More...
More Announcements...

Vol 29, No 3 (2024)

Table of Contents


Pratika Viogenta, Amalia Khairunnisa, Nani Kartinah, Erfiza Rahmadati
10.22146/mot.87814 Abstract views : 1373 | views : 1011
Rifki Febriansah, Irna Julita
10.22146/mot.88227 Abstract views : 875 | views : 456
Desy Siska Anastasia, Rahmi Septiani, Isnindar Isnindar
10.22146/mot.88466 Abstract views : 2216 | views : 1045
Rezlie Bellatasie, Sri Oktavia, Hanaya Fathiha Rakhmil, Hendri Satria Kamal Uyun
10.22146/mot.88745 Abstract views : 1110 | views : 710
Dwitya Devi Nurlistyo Devi, Cici Darsih, Nunung Yuniarti, Bondan Ardiningtyas, Marlyn Dian Laksitorini
10.22146/mot.89699 Abstract views : 1394 | views : 848
Amy Nindia Carabelly, Yajma Kamiila Rahman, Dewi Puspitasati, Isyana Erlita, Erida Wydiamala
10.22146/mot.90537 Abstract views : 809 | views : 527
Nur Achsan Al-Hakim, Salma Alifia Nur Fauziyyah, Nira Purnamasari, Fahrauk Faramayuda
10.22146/mot.91009 Abstract views : 2471 | views : 902
Dodi Iskandar, Rollando Rollando, Susana Susana, Suharyani Amperawati, Y Erning Indrastuti, Muhammad Hilmi Afthoni
10.22146/mot.92604 Abstract views : 2607 | views : 1014
Fatimah Azzahra, Ayun Dwi Astuti, Bustanul Arifin, Gemini Alam
10.22146/mot.94091 Abstract views : 2153 | views : 1236
Ifeanyi Jude Ibe, Hauwa Ahmed Zailani, Mubarak Muhammad Dahiru, Ishaku Adamu Gali
10.22146/mot.94215 Abstract views : 1103 | views : 609
Taranisen Panda, Nirlipta Mishra, Shaik Rahimuddin, Bikram Kumar Pradhan, Master Apollo, Raj Ballav Mohanty
10.22146/mot.89633 Abstract views : 1054 | views : 639
Rita Rakhmawati, Dinar Sari Cahyaningrum Wahyuni, Ahmad Ainurofiq, Saptono Hadi, Syaiful Choiri, Estu Retnaningtyas, Tiara Dewi Salindri Pratama
10.22146/mot.97146 Abstract views : 1400 | views : 1122