Arko Jatmiko Wicaksono(1), Nunung Yuniarti(2), Suwijiyo Pramono(3*)
(1) Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
The study was conducted to determine the analgesic effect of the essential oil of ginger rhizome (Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb.), Kurkuminoid, and a combination of both. Extracting of kurkuminoid performed with ethyl acetate and hexane solvent. Essential oil obtained from the water-steam distillation. Analgesic test was conducted using formalin test (20μL 1% formalin, intraplantar) against the Swiss strain male mice (30±5g), age 2 months. Test group includes 0.5% CMC-Na P.O. (Negative control), indomethacin 4mg/kg P.O. and i.p. (Positive control), kurkuminoid 48mg/kg po, essential oil 24mg/kg po, po and their combinations Formalin injection was performed 1 hour after sample treatment. Data licking time taken in Phase I (0-5min) and phase II (10-30min) after formalin injection. Phase I indicate pain that occurs in the central nervous system (CNS), while phase II in the peripheral area. The results of the phase I trials show analgesic power of indomethacin po (4.96±3.26%) and ip (4.54±1.65%). Kurkuminoid and each essential oil (1.22±0.89%) and (28.8±8.48%), while the mixture (42.14±5.6%). Kurniawan (2007) reported that the magnitude of phase I of the power analgesic morphine 5mg/kg po was (69.68±2.17%). In phase II of essential oils have analgesic power of (74.63±1.97%), a mixture of essential oil (24mg/kg) and kurkuminoid (48mg/kg) has analgesic power of (67.56±0.59% ), indomethacin ip (49.46 ± 1.08%) and po (49.82 ± 0.91%), and kurkuminoid (44.80±1.46%).
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Faculty of Pharmacy
Universitas Gadjah Mada