Relasi Agama dan Politik Menurut Rawls

Samsul Ma'arif(1*)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


The sections fall into some sections. The first one is
introduction to Rawls theoretical issues on politics especially on
what is called PR. The misconceptions of Rawls thought held by
some religious believers will be dealt with explicitly. I will, then,
try to explain that Rawls reflective equilibrium leaves room for
distinctively religious beliefs based on faith and religions. And, the
overlapping consensus which is crucial Rawls later thought.
 Based on this explanation above I come to second section
that deals with Indonesia’s political issues that is related to
Pancasila as a common ground. The issue is mainly on the
relationship between religion and state in a highly diversity
background especially diversity in religions. This section is
remarkably important to see various ideologies took dialectical
process in its historical footprints.
And, I come to third section. In this way, I will produce the
possibility of Pancasila as PR. Some frequent critical questions
responding PR from the opposing groups will also be answered
clearly. In the final section, then, I try to give the explanation on
religion, as a comprehensive doctrine, should play a role in
political arena that in the light of Rawls’ PR.  


public Reason, religion

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