International Junior Scholar Workshop Ver. 2: Research in Philosophy and Jurisprudence



- Call for Papers                  : 15 February 2025

- Submission Due               : 15 April 2025

- Top 15 announcement    : 22 July 2025

- Online Workshop             : 29 July 2025, consisting of:

  • A Lecture Session;
  • A Feedback Session; and
  • An Awarding Session.

- Final Revision due             : 23 August 2025


The top-3 papers are granted reserved spots to be published on the Mimbar Hukum Law Journal, whilst the other top-15 papers are considered to be published on the Mimbar Hukum Law Journal, at the discretion of the editorial board.

For the top-3 papers, there are also a prize pool of USD $700!


General Rules:

  1. Participants must be either:
    1. Currently enrolled as university students, whichever program (undergraduate or postgraduate degrees), and/or
    2. Early career researchers/academics: employed five years or less and has yet to receive a doctorate degree.
  2. One participant can submit more than one paper, but only one of the submitted papers may proceed to the final round.
  3. One paper may be co-authored by up to three persons, all of them must satisfy the first requirement.
  4. Participants are at liberty to choose the specific focus of their own paper, but it must be centered around theory, philosophy, and law. For further explanation, see:
  5. The writing instructions (Author Guidelines) can be found in the following link:, with the addition that submissions for this competition may only be written in proper academic English.
  6. All selected papers (finalists) are considered for publication in Jurnal Mimbar Hukum, while the award winners are granted reserved spots after revising based on the judge's feedback.
  7. Submissions are done by sending an email to (if you have co-authors, all of their emails must be listed in the email CC) with a subject of “[Junior Scholar Workshop V2]_Submission_Your Full Name,” while attaching the following documents:
    1. Your full paper,
    2. A letter of statement regarding your eligibility as per point 1 above,
    3. Curriculum vitae (feel free to use whatever format)
  8. Submissions done electronically via Online Journal System (OJS) will be treated as ordinary journal article submissions, not part of the International Junior Scholar Workshop

Access the Terms of Reference with the following link: