Journal History

Mimbar Hukum is an accredited journal in the nation as listed in the Decree of Director General of Higher Education, the Ministry of Indonesian National Education No.200 / M / KPT / 2020 about Accreditation’s Results of Scientific Journal. Mimbar Hukum began from the establishment of the Publishing Bureau of Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) based on the Decree of Dean of the Faculty of Law UGM Number 573 / H-IX / 74 dated June 1, 1974. The Publishing Bureau of Faculty of Law, UGM was established with the aim of organizing its own publishing and printing for the benefit of Faculty of Law, UGM, in order to be independent, and to help publish scientific works, especially in the field of law. The activities of the Publishing Bureau of Faculty of Law, UGM include:

1. To organize all publications and printing for the interest of Faculty of Law, UGM;

2. To publish science, especially law science, by way of publishing scientific works of lecturers / assistants / alumni of Faculty of Law, UGM, research report, dissertation, and so forth;

3. Publication of legal magazine as a place to give scientific opinion or views and also a communication tool between Faculty of Law, UGM and its alumni;

4. General services in the field of publishing and printing.

Then based on the decision of the meeting of the Faculty of Law on December 8, 1975, the activities of the Publishing Bureau of the Faculty of Law UGM, are centered on the publication of a scientific journal in the field of law named "Mimbar Hukum."

Mimbar Hukum is issued to its own community and other interested parties, as well as to society in general in order to practice Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Principals of Higher Education). The financial source of Mimbar Hukum is obtained from UGM Faculty of Law, donations from alumni, and others. In its development, Mimbar Hukum has done several institutional amendments. In the beginning of 2016, Mimbar Hukum was in the Journal and Publication Unit which has been held for one year. While, in January 2017, Mimbar Hukum moved under the umbrella of Research and Publication Unit (URP) embodying two fields, publication and research.

Since February 2018, Mimbar Hukum has created a renewal by adding the article cover. This amendment is aimed to enhance the visual quality of the publication. In the same year, Mimbar Hukum is included in ASEAN Citation Index (ACI). 

Mimbar Hukum since its inception has published quality articles on various topics within the legal sciences, and starting from 2024 has started to proceed with a new focus and scope i.e. articles regarding theory, philosophy, and law. 

After previously publishing three issues per year, since 2021 Jurnal Mimbar Hukum publishes two regular issue per year in June and December. 

In 2023, Mimbar Hukum planned to add a special issue to publish selected excellent conference articles. However, after successfully publishing the first special issue in late 2023, the editorial team considered it would take more effort and was inefficient for the journal overall. Eventually, at the beginning of 2024 in an editorial reflection and evaluation meeting, the editorial team decided not to continue the special issue publication and 2023 was the only year serving a special issue.

To enhance readership and accessibility, starting from the December 2024 edition, all articles submitted to Mimbar Hukum must include an English translation of the title