Background: Nurses are the largest human resource that has a big impact on the quality of health services to patients. Good nurse performance will result in good quality health services as well. Employee performance will increase if employees are satisfied with the compesation they receive and have high work motivation. UGM Academic Hospital began implementing a remuneration system in October 2021, but there are still pros and cons to its implementation. After the remuneration system was implemented, there was no significant improvement in nurse’s performance. Various problems that occur in terms of employment status and work environment can also affect nurse’s work motivation.
Objective: To measure the relationship between remuneration system satisfaction, work motivation and nurse performance at UGM Academic Hospital.
Method: Case study research with an explanatory design. Quantitative data was obtained from the results of filling out questionnaires and documentation studies. Qualitative data was obtained from in-depth interviews with representatives of nurses, other professions (doctors), representatives of room heads, heads of nursing, HR directors, and the remuneration team.
Results: The level of work motivation of UGM Academic Hospital nurses was classified as medium and tended to be high, as many as 86.5% were in the medium category, while the other 13.5% were in the high category. The level of compensation satisfaction classified as medium tends to be low, as much as 60.1% is in the medium category, while the other 39.9% is in the low category. The results of the Spearman's Rank Correlation test on work motivation and performance show a p-value of 0.814 with a correlation coefficient of 0.018, while test on compensation satisfaction and performance show a p-value of 0.484 with a correlation coefficient of 0.053.
Conclusion: There is no relationship between work motivation and compensation satisfaction on the performance of UGM Academic Hospital nurses.
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