Author Guideline
Guidelines for Authors
The Indonesian Journal of Health Service Management is devoted to publishing and disseminating original articles on health service management that help health service managers, researchers, and practitioners become more effective.
This journal is intended as a communication medium for parties interested in health service management science, including managers, managerial policy makers in health service organizations such as hospitals, health services, the Ministry of Health, public health service centres, BKKBN, the pharmaceutical industry, and health insurance, as well as researchers in educational institutions.
The Indonesian Journal of Health Service Management is a medium for research, innovation, new ideas, and hypotheses related to hospital management, health service management, health insurance, and issues relevant to health service management. Also, accept article reviews, lessons learned, policy and practice, and book reviews. The statements and opinions expressed in these articles are the author's responsibility and need not be the responsibility of the Editor, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, or Universitas Gadjah Mada.
The Indonesian Journal of Health Service Management is published quarterly (in March, June, September, and December) by the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.
In accepting articles, the Indonesian Journal of Health Service Management will filter the authenticity and relevance of research and practitioners of health service management. After initial screening, the article will be sent to the reviewer to review the content of the article. The editor will decide on the article's acceptance by considering the appointed reviewer's recommendations. Editors can change articles if necessary, for example, by shortening the article's content or removing figures and tables.
Author Guideline
- Original Manuscripts and have never been published in other media.
- Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English, using the font Arial font 10, space 1, single column on A4 paper with a left and top margin of 3 cm, bottom and right margin 2.5cm, total number of pages between 6 to 15 pages, submitted to our submission page.
- Files must be in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format (doc., docx., rtf.), not pdf.
- The manuscripts is organized into the following structure:
- A concise and clear TITLE with a maximum of 14 words.
- Author name, affiliation and corresponding author’s email.
Abstracts are written in Bahasa and in English in maximum 300 words in Italics with Arial 8 points. Abstracts should be clear, descriptive, and should provide the objectives of research, the method used to solve the problem, and the result(s). Abstracts preferably end with a comment about the importance of the results or conclusions briefly. The abstract should be accompanied by 3-5 keywords. Suggested keywords refer to Medical Subject Heading (MeSH).
The introduction describes the background of the problem being solved, issues related to the problem being solved, the basics for consideration, research objectives, and reviews of research that has been done previously by other researchers that are relevant to the research being conducted. Also Explain what makes peer research different or superior from previous research so that it looks novelty and where the research position is. It is recommended that there are at least 2-3 previous studies that are reviewed in the introduction section. The manuscripts of each section in each paragraph is written in Arial font, size 10 points, with single spacing, and 1 cm indentation for each paragraph.
Research methods include problem analysis, architecture or design methods used to solve problems. The Research method is described through a flow chart and is accompanied by an explanation of each stage and are resolved in this study. The design describes how to solve the problem and should be presented in the form of diagram with a complete explanation. For example data processing diagrams, from raw data to finished, hardware design diagrams. Also include the time and place of the research.
The Results section contains the results of research or experiments and analysis of research results or experimental results. Research results should be represented in a relevant form, for example displayed in the form of pictures, graphs, or tables. For tables, it can follow a format like Figure1. For picture or graphics, it can follow a format like Figure 2. A discussion of the results of research and testing obtained is presented in the form of theoretical descriptions, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Write a comparison between your research and previous research. Also write down the benefits and contributions of the research as well as the drawbacks of the research you did.
Figure 2. Pictures or Graphics title (source, year)
Submission of manuscripts
Submission to the Journal of Health Service Management must go through an online submission system. The basic requirements for articles submitted to The Indonesian Journal of Health Service Management are:
- original work;
- has not been previously published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere and, if accepted, will not be published elsewhere;
- must have received approval from the Ethics Committee;
- must obtain signed informed consent from the subject for articles involving human subjects.
Human and Animal Rights
All the work that uses human subjects must ensure that the described work has been carried out by the Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Helsinki Declaration) for experiments involving humans; Uniform Requirements for manuscripts submitted to the journal. The author must state in the manuscript that consent was obtained for experiments with human subjects. The right to privacy of human subjects must always be observed.
All animal experiments must comply with the ARRIVE guidelines and must be conducted by the U.K. Animal (Scientific Procedures) Act, 1986 and related guidelines, E.U. Directive 2010/63/E.U. for animal experiments, or the National Institutes of Health guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals (NIH Publication No. 8023, revised 1978) and authors must indicate in the manuscript that the guidelines have been followed.
Informed Consent
Studies on patients or volunteers require ethics committee approval and informed consent, which must be documented in the paper. Proper approval, permission, and release should be obtained where the author wishes to include case details, personal information, or pictures of patients and others. The author shall retain written consent, and a copy of the consent or proof that such consent has been obtained shall be provided to The Indonesian Journal of Health Service Management upon request. Unless you have written permission from the patient (or, if applicable, next of kin), any patient's details in any section of the article and supplementary materials (including all illustrations and videos) must be removed before submission.
In the cover letter, the author should suggest the names and addresses (including e-mails) of at least three experts in their field for article evaluation. However, the reviewer's choice will remain on the editorial board.
The Indonesian Journal of Health Service Management will publish articles in Indonesian or English.
Types of articles
Five types of articles can be submitted: Original articles, article reviews, lessons learned, policy and practice, and book reviews.
Original research article
- Quantitative research is a maximum of 3500 words, and Qualitative Research is a maximum of 5000 words (excluding abstracts, tables, figures, and references).
- The article is accompanied by an abstract in English and Indonesian in a structured form (background, objective, method, result, conclusion) in one paragraph and accompanied by keywords. Suggested keywords refer to Medical Subject Heading (MeSH).
- The abstract should not exceed 300 words.
- Articles use no more than 35 references, preferably research articles published in journals.
Article Review
- Includes a systematic review of health care management.
- One paragraph with a maximum of 300 words for the abstract;
- Maximum 6,500 words from introduction to conclusion;
- Maximum 100 references, ten figures, and ten tables
Lessons Learned
- The manuscript must be between 1,000 and 1,300 words, excluding the abstract.
- A manuscript can have up to 5 references, 1 figure or table
- The manuscript should include a short abstract
Policy and Practice
- Analytical assessments, critical policy analyses, debates, or papers that generate hypotheses about healthcare management
- Maximum 3000 words and 50 references
Book review
- Review of books published in the last two years that are relevant to the scope of healthcare management
- Use 400-850 words without references.
Proof and Reprint
Proof of the manuscript will be sent to the author for approval before publication. Page evidence is considered the final version of the manuscript. Except for typos or minor typos, no changes will be made to the manuscript at the evidentiary stage. Corrections should be returned to the editor within one week.
The author holds the copyright without limitation. The author retains publishing rights without restriction.
Type Scripts
The article is neatly typed (Arial, 10), single-spaced, single column on A4 paper with a left and top margin of 3 cm, bottom and right margin. Paper acceptance will be recognized. The author will be notified of the reviewer's comments.
- Title and author
The title should describe what is reported in the manuscript and not contain abbreviations or numerical numbers. The title does not exceed 14 words written in English and Indonesian. The Title page should list the author's full name and affiliation. The corresponding author's name must be indicated with postal, telephone, fax, and e-mail information. The author must comply with the provisions of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ( ). The order of authors is based on their contributions to the writing process.
- Abstract
All articles must be completed with an abstract maximum 300 words and written in English and Bahasa, which includes the background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions concisely in one paragraph. The abstract is accompanied by 3-5 keywords. Keywords are recommended to follow MESH. Standard nomenclature should be used, and abbreviations should be avoided.
- Introduction
- The author must present some previous research articles relevant to the research theme.
- The authors had to point out what was lacking in previous studies so that this study became important.
- The introduction should explain the concepts contained in the keyword.
- Preliminary references of at least 10 journals. Preferably those from relevant international journals.
- The number of words of introduction is 400-750 words.
- Method
- The method must be complete enough to allow replication of the study.
- Do not forget to mention who the respondents are, the number, and the selection criteria. Likewise, qualitative specifications should be explained.
- Do not forget to enter the location and time of data retrieval.
- Do not forget to enter the operational definition, if necessary, as a table.
- The method ranges from 250-750 words, beyond the operational definition table, if any.
- If the research involves human subjects, it must be stated whether permission has been obtained from the Research Ethics Committee.
- Editors can request a copy of the permission document or consent form for verification.
- Result
- Results are sorted based on research objectives or hypotheses. Results cannot show the same data in table/image/graph and narrative. Standard deviations must accompany the average of the data.
- The maximum number of tables and figures included in the manuscript is 5. Give an important reason if it is more than that.
- Tables and figures are placed as soon as they are mentioned in the manuscript.
- We prefer the interpretation of the table rather than showing statistical significance, for example, not mentioning OR = 2, but explaining as follows "Working mothers are twice as likely to breastfeed than non-working mothers"
- If qualitative, all interview excerpts are written in correct Indonesian and should not mention the regional language as it is. Regional languages are only used if they do not reflect Indonesian.
- Detailed discussion, speculation, and interpretation of data should not be included in the Results but in the Discussion section.
- Results range from 500-1000 words.
- Discussion
- The discussion should interpret the findings given the results obtained against the background of existing knowledge.
- The discussion should highlight what is new in the paper. Any assumptions on which conclusions are based must be clearly stated.
- Discuss key findings that could be used to propose recommendations or have implications for real public health programs.
- Discuss relevant references to program implications.
- Discuss limitations in research that are considered important in concluding.
- The discussion consists of 2-3 paragraphs according to the important points that want to be emphasized, including those that want to be used as program implications.
- Discussion length 500 – 750 words.
- Do not to repeat the results, let alone mention statistical figures.
- Conclusion
The conclusion consists of 1-2 paragraphs containing key points that will be highlighted and important points highlighted as program implications. The number of afterwords ranges from 100-250 words.
- Acknowledgments
Acknowledgments should be presented at the end of the text and before references. Technical assistance, financial support, and advice may be required.
- Table
- Tables should be kept to a minimum and designed following the APA style.
- Each table should be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals and complemented by titles and legends.
- The table should be self-explanatory without reference to the text.
- The table is placed as soon as it is mentioned in the manuscript.
- The table is written in Arial font size 10 pt. and spaced one space below the title.
- Table headings are written with 9pt. Bold, with a capital letter at the beginning of the word, and placed on top of the table with the format
- Picture
- Images should be numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals and follow the APA style.
- Graphics must be prepared using an application capable of generating high-resolution GIF, TIFF, JPEG, or Powerpoint before pasting them in Microsoft Word manuscript files.
- The image should be constructed to be understood without reading the text.
- The corresponding symbol should be used on the chart and described in the legend. Graphs should not duplicate the results presented in the table.
- The image description is placed below the image and spaced one space away from the image.
- Caption writing uses Arial 10pt, bold, uppercase letters at the beginning of the word and is placed as in the example. The distance between the image and the paragraph is two single spaces.
- Reference
- References are written in Arial font size 8pt, single spacing, and spacing between references after returning/entering.
- References generally have two emphases. The first emphasis is referencing that shows previous research, which is why this research is needed, approximately 10-15 references. The second emphasis is on references relevant to the subject matter in the discussion, which is approximately 10-15 references. We expect the author to refer to 1-3 references used in the method or data collection if there is a particular analysis strategy.
- The reference must be a recent journal in the last 10-15 years. Although allowed, textbook citations, regulations, or theses should be minimized.
- References should be numbered sequentially in the order they were first mentioned in the text. Identify references with Arabic numbers as superscripts in the order in which they appear. The number should be used even if its author is mentioned in the text. The original number assigned to the reference is reused whenever the reference is cited in the text, regardless of its original position in the text. For example:.......... has been reported1 .................... according to Sadjito2 ........... ......... Winstein & Swartz3 is done .................. by Avon et al.4..........
- Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their references.
- Using a reference management tool (Zotero or Mendeley) is recommended, where the appearance of reference sources is carried out sequentially using numbers according to their appearance as in-text citations.
- References should be listed numerically (Vancouver style) at the end of the text and in the same order as those cited in the text.
- All authors should be listed to reference citations with six or more authors, while for seven or more authors, only the first three authors should be listed, followed by et al. The name of the journal is abbreviated according to Index Medicus and Index of Indonesia Learned Periodicals (PDIN 1974). References to journal articles, books, chapters within books, theses, etc., should be listed in the Example Reference.
Examples of Scientific Journal References
Scientific Journal/ Article
Lundmark, Linda. Restrukturisasi ekonomi menjadi pariwisata di pegunungan Swedia. Jurnal Perhotelan dan Pariwisata Skandinavia. 2005; 5 (1): 23–45.
Organitation as an author
Kelompok Penelitian Program Pencegahan Diabetes. Hipertensi, insulin, dan proinsulin pada peserta dengan toleransi glukosa terganggu. Hipertensi. 2002;40(5):679-86.
American Psychological Association. Manual publikasi American Psychological Association (edisi ke-6). Washington DC. 2009.
No author mentioned
TB resistensi obat di antara orang asing yang lahir di Kanada. Can Commun Dis Rep. 2005 15 Februari;31(4):46-52.
Solusi jantung abad ke-21 mungkin memiliki sengatan di ekor. BMJ. 2002;325(7537)::184.
Part of the Volume
Ozben T, Nacitarhan S, Tuncer N. Plasma dan asam sialat urin pada diabetes mellitus yang tidak tergantung insulin. Ann Clin Biochem 1995;32(Pt 3):303-6.
Part of the article
Ahrar K, Madoff DC, Gupta S, dkk. Pengembangan model hewan besar untuk tumor paru-paru. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2002;13(9 Pt 1):923-8.
No Volume Number
Banit DM, Kaufer H, Hartford JM. Analisis bagian beku intraoperatif dalam artroplasti sendi total revisi. Klinik Ortop. 2002;(401):230-8.
No Volume or Edition Number
Keppel K, Pamuk E, Lynch J, dkk. Masalah metodologis dalam mengukur kesenjangan kesehatan. Stat Kesehatan Vital 2. 2005; (141):1-16.
Ketik artikel sesuai kebutuhan
Enzensberger W, Fischer PA. Metronom pada penyakit Parkinson [surat]. Lancet 1996;347:1337.
Book or other monograph
MacDonald, RG Biochemistry. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. 2007
James, C., Cameron, PD, Smith, YN, Hawthorne, H., & Cushing, S., M. Teori sosiologis orang dan tempat. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 2005.
Editor as an author
Barone MA, ed. Buku pegangan Harriet Lane: manual untuk petugas rumah pediatrik. edisi ke-14 St Louis: Buku Tahun Mosby; 1996.
Part of the book
Ansel HC. Pengukuran farmasi. edisi ke-13 Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010. Bab 3: Pengukuran farmasi; hal.35-47
Bruhat M, Silva Carvalho JL, Campo R, dkk, eds. Prosiding Kongres ke-10 Masyarakat Eropa untuk Endoskopi Ginekologi; 2001 22-24 November; Lisboa, Portugal. Bologna (Italia): Editor Monduzzi, Divisi Prosiding Internasional; 2001.
Luca J, Tarricone P. Apakah kecerdasan emosional mempengaruhi kerja tim yang sukses? Dalam: Kennedy G, Keppell M, McNaught C, dkk, eds. Pertemuan di Cossroads: Prosiding Konferensi Tahunan ke-18 Masyarakat Australasia untuk Komputer dalam Pembelajaran di Pendidikan Tinggi, 2001 9-12 Des; Melbourne: Unit Multimedia Biomedis, Universitas Melbourne; 2001.p.367-76.
Armstrong, DB, Fogarty, GJ, & Dingsdag, D. Timbangan mengukur karakteristik sistem informasi bisnis kecil. Di WG. Tan (Ed.), Proceedings of Research, Relevance and Rigour: Dewasa: 18th Australasian Conference on Information Systems. Toowoomba, Australia: Universitas Queensland Selatan, 2007. 163-171.
DSE. Tahap pertumbuhan dan interval kebakaran yang dapat ditoleransi untuk set data vegetasi asli Victoria. Manajemen kebakaran dan adaptif, Departemen Keberlanjutan dan Lingkungan Negara Bagian Victoria, Melbourne; 2010, Laporan no. 84
Smith P, Golladay K. Pembayaran untuk peralatan medis tahan lama yang ditagih selama perawatan fasilitas perawatan terampil. Laporan akhir. Dallas: Departemen Kesehatan dan Layanan Kemanusiaan, Kantor Evaluasi dan Inspeksi; 1994 Oktober Laporan No. HHSIGOEI69200860.
Kaplan SJ. Perawatan kesehatan rumah pasca-rumah sakit: akses dan pemanfaatan lansia [disertasi]. St. Louis: Universitas Washington; 1995.
Knight, KA Epidemi media: Struktur virus dalam literatur dan media baru [Disertasi doktoral]. Diperoleh dari Database Bibliografi Internasional MLA, 2011.
Carozzi N, Hargiss T,Koziel MG,Duck NB, Carr B, penemu. Athenix Corporation, penerima tugas. AXMI-008, gen delta endotoksin dan metode penggunaannya. Paten AS 7.351.881 B2, 2008 Apr 1.
Harris G. FDA memerintahkan penarikan kembali pompa intravena. New York Times (Final Washington). 2005 22 Juni;Sekte. J:12 (kol. 1).
Carey B. Psikiater merevisi buku masalah manusia. New York Times [koran di Internet]. 17 Des 2008 [dikutip 19 Des 2008 ];Kesehatan :[sekitar 3 p.]. Tersedia dari:
Carlson J. Depression [kaset video]. VandenBos GR, produser. Washington: Asosiasi Psikologi Amerika; 2005.
Preventif Kesehatan Amandemen 1993, Pub L No. 103-183, 107 Stat 2226 (14 Des 1993).
survei geologi Inggris. Chester dan Wales Utara. Seri Landranger, 2006.
Dictionary or EncyclopediaJejunum. Dalam kamus Merriam-Webster. edisi ke-11. Springfield, 2003: 671
Larsen, James E. dan Blair, John P. Pentingnya kinerja polisi sebagai penentu kepuasan polisi. American Journal of Economics and Business Administration [serial online] 2009;1 (1): 1-10. [dikutip 29 Sept 2010 ]tersedia dari: URL: <ahref="">
Sengupta D, Chattopadhyay MK. Metabolisme pada bakteri pada suhu rendah: laporan terbaru. J Biosci [jurnal di Internet]. 2013 Juni [dikutip 23 Agustus 2013];38(2):409-12. Tersedia dari:
CDI, ilustrasi dermatologi klinis [CD-ROM]. Reeves JR, Maibach H. CMEA Multimedia Group, produser. edisi ke-2 Versi 2.0. San Diego: CMEA; 1995.
Computer Program
Esolang, AN Obsecure Reference Generator [perangkat lunak komputer]. Washington, DC: E&K Press; 2014
Application Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors must check that their submission complies with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors who do not comply with these guidelines.
- The submission has never been published before nor before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been given in the Comments to the editor).
- Files must be in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format (doc., docx., rtf.), not pdf.
- If available, a URL for reference has been provided.
- Text is single-spaced; use a 10-point font Arial; use italics instead of underlining (except with URL addresses); And all illustrations, images, and tables are placed inside the text at the appropriate point, not at the end.
- The text complies with the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author's Guide, found in About the Journal.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed journal section, the instructions in Ensure Blind Review have been followed.
- All authors agree to submit the manuscript to The Indonesian Journal of Health Service Management (Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan) and will not submit it to other journals.
- There are no article processing fees.
- Authors cannot submit the same manuscript in other journals (making double/multiple submissions).
- The author is not allowed to withdraw the manuscript that has been submitted as long as the manuscript is still in the peer-review process. If the author violates this rule, the author will be blacklisted for publication in this journal.