The Effect of Aqueous Fraction of Clinacanthusnutans (Burm.F.) Extract Microcapsules on Rat Blood Glucose Level
Diabetes mellitus is a common metabolic disease marked by hyperglycemia. Diabetes also can be caused by oxidative stress. The administration of antioxidants, whether it’s from food or supplement can inhibit the formation of free radicals. Clinacanthus nutans is reported to possess various medicinal properties including blood glucose lowering effect, alpha-glucosidase inhibition activity, antioxidant activities, anti-cancer properties and anti-inflammatory effects. Based on research Clinacanthus nutans leaf extracts fractions has several shortcomings, amongst them are its viscosity that gave difficulties in formulation and its astringent and bitter taste that made it hard to use orally. To overcome these shortcomings, microencapsulation can be used. The purpose of this research is to find the blood glucose level lowering effect of the aqueous fraction of microcapsules and to find the effective dose on fructose and fat-induced Wistar strain rat. The induction using fructose and high-fat feed for 55 days was applied. Rats were divided into 8 groups: normal control (aquadest), negative control (Arabic gum and maltodextrin), positive control (metformin), dose I 15,89 mg/ kgBW (microcapsule of aqueous fraction of Clinacanthus nutans extract), dose II 31,78 mg/ kgBW, dose III 47,67 mg/ kgBW, dose IV 63.56 mg /kgBW, and dose V 79.45 mg/ kgBW. The result showed that the microcapsules of the aqueous fraction of Clinacanthus nutans (Burm.f) extract could lower Wistar strain rat blood glucose level in the dose of 15.89 mg/kg of the rat’s body weight.
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