Majalah Geografi Indonesia

Majalah Geografi Indonesia ISSN  0215-1790 (print) ISSN 2540-945X (online) is a national journal in Indonesia published by the Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada in collaboration with The Indonesian Geographers Association, concerned with environmental issues, spatial-temporal issue, also regional issues which release twice a year in March and September. In 2021, the acceptance rate was 63%; the days to the first decision were 118 days, and the days to publication were 224 days. For more detail about Review and Article Publication Time, please check the menu About - Statistik

Majalah Geografi Indonesia welcomes authoritative, original, ably illustrated, and well-written manuscripts on any topic of geographical importance related to Indonesian cases as well as other areas on the planet, these include physical geography, development geography, geographic information science, cartography and remote sensing. The Journal publishes Articles, Technical Notes, Rapid Communications, Opinion Papers, Comments/Responses and Corrections.

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Vol 39, No 1 (2025): Majalah Geografi Indonesia

Table of Contents


Rastika Widiastuti, Muhammad Qabus Abid Khairullah, Mangapul Parlindungan Tambunan, Muhammad Sufwandika Wijaya
10.22146/mgi.96138 Abstract views : 1538 | views : 0
Ayu Mardalena, Supriatna Supriatna, Muhammad Dimyati
10.22146/mgi.98027 Abstract views : 658 | views : 0
Fajar Nugraha, Dwi Putro Tejo Baskoro, Suria Darma Tarigan
10.22146/mgi.99150 Abstract views : 955 | views : 0
Rangga Kala Mahaswa, Luthfi Baihaqi Riziq, Al Irfani Thariq Azhar
10.22146/mgi.99788 Abstract views : 542 | views : 0
Amelia Fauzana, Naufal Setiawan
10.22146/mgi.95959 Abstract views : 460
Pipit Wijayanti, Rita Noviani, Baiq Liana Widiyanti, Baiq Risma Nursaly, Fathi Muzaqi
10.22146/mgi.100438 Abstract views : 750
Putu Aryastana, Cokorda Agung Yujana, Kadek Windy Candrayana, Krisna Himawan Subiyanto
10.22146/mgi.99971 Abstract views : 1523
Adik Amin Nashrudien, Retno Widodo Dwi Pramono
10.22146/mgi.95224 Abstract views : 179
Muhammad Rizal Fernandita Pamungkas, Wartono Wartono, Danarti Karsono, Elisa Harlia Sandi, Allesandro Umbu Balla Rundi
10.22146/mgi.100545 Abstract views : 115
Jossh Christheyn Endrew Talakua, Vinny Valentina Tuerah
10.22146/mgi.104694 Abstract views : 245