Rekonstruksi Alat Skrining Diskalkulia untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar
diagnosed as dyscalculia. The early step to diagnose children with dyscalculia is by using
a screening test. The construction of the screening test by previous researchers has not
been able to result a satisfactory tool. This study aims to reconstruct the dyscalculia
screening tool (TSD/Tes Skrining Diskalkulia), which developed in order to determine
elementary school students that risk for dyscalculia. The participants were 367 students
from 1 st to 4 th grade selected from 5 different school in Magelang Regency. Result showed
that the new structure of the dyscalculia screening tool has a good content validity and
construct validity. This tool also has good reliability which is 0.864 with low standard
error of measurement. It showed that 69 items that are constructed has good psychometric
DOI: 10.22146/gamajpp.32312
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