Editorial Board Member: Prof. Dr. Mae Sri Hartati

curriculum vitae


  1. Full Name & Degree                           : Prof. Dr. Mae Sri Hartati Wahyuningsih, M.Si., Apt
  2. Place, Date of Birth                            : Yogyakarta, 3 Oktober 1960
  3. Editorial Position                                : Editor
  4. Office                                               : Jl. Sekip Utara, Fakultas Kedokteran Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan,  UGM Yogayakarta, 55281.

        Telephone/fax/e-mail (office)                : (0274) 511103

  1. Last Education                                    : Dr (Pascasarjana UGM)
  2. Field of expertise                                : Farmasi Bahan alam dan Fitoterapi
  3. Experience(s) in managing scientific journals:


Journal Name

Position in the Journal



Journal of Traditional Medicines




Journal of the Medical Sciences


2015- Sekarang


  1. Experience(s) in reviewing scientific journals:


Journal Name




Journal of  Indonesian Medicinal Plant

B2P2TOOT Tawangmangu.

2016 - Sekarang


Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan

Faculty of Forestry UGM

2015 - 2017


Majalah Farmaseutik

Fakultas Farmasi UGM



Journal of Basic Medical Veterinary Unair


2012 - 2015



FK-UII Yogyakarta

2013 -2018


  1. Mastery of foreign laguange(s)                       : Inggris, Indonesia
  2. Publications in scientific journals (last 5 years):
    1. Astuti I. and Wahyuningsih MSH., Mixture of Extract Nerium indicum Mill and Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsley) A. Gray. Inhibits the Migration Activity, Expressions of TGF-β1 and VEGF Keloid Fibroblasts, J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 11(5), 2019: 1710-1714
    2. Claramita M., Riskiyana R., Susilo AP., Huriyati E., Wahyuningsih MSH.,  Norcini JJ.,  Interprofessional communication in a sociohierarchical culture: development of the TRI-O guide, J Multidiscip Healthc, 2019:12 Pages 191—204
    3. Wahyuningsih MSH., Nugrahaningsih DAA., Budiyanto A., Ethanolic Extract of Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsley) A. Gray Inhibits Migration Activity and Decrease the Transforming Growth Factor-Beta1, VEGF Expression on Keloid Fibroblasts, Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 12 (1), 2019: 342-345
    4. Syarif, R.A.,Mustofa, Ngatidjan, Wahyuningsih, MSH., Heme Polymerization Inhibition by Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsley) A.Gray Leaves Fractions as Antiplasmodial Agent and Its Cytotoxicity on Vero Cells, Trad. Med. J., Vol. 23(3), 2018: p 106-111
    5. Anugerah A., Pratiwi WR, Wahyuningsih MSH, Pengaruh Kombinasi Ekstrak Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsley) A.Gray dan Curcuma domestica Val. pada Fungsi Hati dan Ginjal Tikus Model Kanker, Majalah Farmaseutik, vol 14 (1), 2018: 1-10.
    6. Ranti I., Wahyuningsih MSH., Wirohadidjojo YW.,The Antifibrotic Effect of Isolate Tagitinin C from [Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsley) A. Gray] on Keloid Fibroblast Cell, Pan African Medical Journal (PAMJ), 2018: 30: 264.
    7. Syarif RA., Wahyuningsih MSH., Mustofa, Ngatidjan, Antiplasmodial and onset speed of growth inhibitory activities of Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsley) A Gray leaf fractions against Plasmodium falciparum, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 17 (11), 2018: 2213-2218
    8. Bramanti I, Sudarso ISR, Wahyuningsih MSH, Wibawa T, Karina VM, Kusumawardani B., Ethanolic Garlic Extract (Allium sativumL) Increased Viability and Proliferation of Human Gingival Fibroblast In Vitro, Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 17(04), 2018: 556-561
    9. Aryanti D., Wahyuningsih MSH., Agustiningsih D.,Peppermint oil prevented oxidative stress in experimental animal – induced acute single bout of eccentric exercise (ASBEE): study on blood catalase and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and glucose transporter-4 (GLUT-4) expression on the muscle cells, J Med Sci, Vol.50 (3), 2018: 249-259
    10. Pramantara IDP, Kertia N, Wahyuningsih MSH, Arfian N., Efek Kapsul Pegagan (Centella asiatica L.) Terhadap Disfungsi Otot RangkaPada Relawan Usia Lanjut Sehat, Trad. Med. J., Vol. 23(2), 2018: p 142-148
    11. Fauziyah Y, Wahyuningsih MSH, Sunarti, Hanoum IF,Ethanol Extract of Tithonia diversivolia (Hemsley) A Gray Standardized Ameliorates Hyperglycemia, Polyphagia, and Weight Loss in Diabetic Rats, Molekul, vol 13(1), 2018: 72-79.
    12. Wahyuningsih MSH, Yuliani FS, Rahmawati DY, Pratiwi AN, Antifibrotic Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Nerium indicum Mill. Standardized 5α-Oleandrin on Keloid Fibroblasts Cells, Trad. Med. J., Vol. 23 (1), 2018: 70-78.
    13. Mayasari NR, Susetyowati, Wahyuningsih MSH, Probosuseno, Antidiabetic Effect of Rosella-Stevia Tea on Prediabetic Women in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Journal of the American College of Nutrition (J Am Coll Nutr), 37 (1), 2018: 1-7
    14. Murini T., Wahyuningsih MSH., Satoto TBT., Fudholi A., Hanafi M., Isolation and Identification of Naturally Occuring Larvicidal Compound Isolated from Zingiber zerumbet (L). J.E. Smith Rhizome, Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 11 (2), 2018: 189-193
    15. Rahayu MP., Harjanti R., Wahyuningsih MSH., Supargiyono, Cytotoxic Effect from Ethyl Acetate-Methanol Subfraction of Carrisa Carandas  L  To ward Hela Cells by In Vitro Test, Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Special Issue Agustus: 2017: 21-23
    16. Wahyuningsih MSH., Mubarika S., Ganjar IG., Wahyuono S.,Takeya T., 5α-Oleandrin reduce Bcl-2 protein and increase Bax protein expression on Hela cervical cancer cell, Univ Med, 36(2), 2017: 102-109.
    17. Murini T., Wahyuningsih MSH., Satoto TBT., Fudholi A., Aktivitas Larvisida Ekstrak Terpurifikasi Rimpang Zingiber zerumbet(L) Smith terhadap Larva Aedes aegypti, Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya, 29 (4), 2017: 293-298
    18. Arbiastutie Y., Marsono D., Wahyuningsih MSH., Purwanto R., The potential of understorey plants from Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (West Java, Indonesia) as cervixs anticancer agents, Biodiversitas, 18 (1), 2017: 109-115.
    19. Putra B., Wahyuningsih MSH., Sholikhah EN., Cytotoxic activity of Simvastatin in T47D breast cancer cell lines and its effect on cyclin D1 expression and apoptosis, J Med Sci, 49 (2), 2017: 47-55
    20. Halimah WN, Pratiwi WR, Wahyuningsih MSH, Effect of Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsley) A.Gray and Curcuma domestica Val Extracts Combination Against Nodule and Body Weight In Cancer Rats Model, Majalah Farmaseutik, vol 13 (1), 2017: 28-37
    21. Murini T., Wahyuningsih MSH., Satoto TBT.,Comparison of Methanol, Ethyl Acetates and Chloroform Extracts of Zingiber zerumbet (L) Smith in Larvisidal Activities on Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidee) Larvae, Majalah Farmaseutik, vol 13 (2), 2017: 88-94


  1. Research in the last 5 years:
    1. 2015-2016: Bioassai Potensi Senyawa Aktif  Carissa Carandas Sebagai Antikanker Cerviks (Dikti Hibah Pakerti dengan USBS Solo)
    2. 2016: Pengembangan Potensi daun T. diversifolia (HEMSLEY) A. GRAY Menjadi Obat Herbal Topikal Untuk Antikeloid: Kajian Mekanisme Molekuler, Optimasi Formula Dan Keamanan Produk (Dikti PUPT UGM)
    3. 2018-2019: Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Etanol Tithonia diversifolia (HEMSLEY) A. GRAY. Terstandar Tagitinin C Sebagai Obat Herbal Topikal Untuk Keloid Melalui Studi Preklinik Dan Klinik (Hibah Dikti PTUPT UGM)
    4. 2018: Pemanfaatan Campuran Ekstrak N. Indicum Mill dan Tithonia diversifolia  (Hemsley) A. Gray Sebagai Agen Antikeloid  (Kajian Mekanisme Aksi: Ekspresi Tgf-Β, Vegf dan Aktivitas Migrasi Fibroblas Keloid)---Hibah Damas FKKMK Skema Dosen-Mhs S2
    5. 2018: Potensi dan Keamanan Campuran Ekstrak T. diversifolia  (Hemsley) A. GRAY dan N. indicum MILL Sebagai Agen Antikeloid (Hibah Damas Dosen Yunior sebagai Supervisi)
    6. 2019: Potensi Sediaan Gel Campuran ekstrak N. indicum Mill dan T. diversifolia  (Hemsley) A. Gray Sebagai Agen Antikeloid (Kajian Akvitas Sediaan dan Ekspresi TGF-β, α-SMA dan VEGF) Pada Kelinci Model Scar Hipertrofi (Hibah Damas FKKMK Skema Dosen-Mhs S2)
    7. 2019: Bioassay Guided Fractionation Alga Merah (Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty ex P.C Silva) Termonitor dengan Tikus Model Diabetik: Kajian molekuler Kadar Glycated Albumin dan Ekspresi gen RAGE (Hibah Damas FKKMK Skema Dosen-Mhs S3)
    8. Award ever received (Grant/Award):
      1. 2011: Piagam tanda Kehormatan Satyalancana Karya Satya XX tahun
      2. 2013: Piagam Penghargaan Kesetiaan
      3. 2006: Doktor Cumlaude

Thus the curriculum vitae (CV) is made actually and full responsibility.