TN. Saifullah Sulaiman(1*), Dina Aryani(2), Yosi Bayu Murti(3)
(1) Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
Legundi Leaf (Vitex trifolia L. ) often used in traditional medicine as anti asthma in Indonesia. The use of this plant in treatment is less practical and less accepted, so it needs to make in more appropriate preparation like chewable lozenges. Materials that can provide chewy texture are glycerin and gelatin. The goal from this research is to know the variations effect in the proportion of base glycerin – gelatin to physical properties of chewable lozenges and viteksikarpin bioavailability from preparation. Chewable lozenges was made with molding mixture method. There are three formulas with variations in the glycerin- gelatin proportions, those were Formula I (10 % : 90 %), Formula II (20 % : 80 %) dan Formula III (30 % : 70 %). Formed chewable lozenges was tested physical properties includes weight uniformity test, dissolving time, water content, TLC –densitometry and taste test using questionnaire response by respondent. Obtained data analyzed statistically with one way variance analysis the level of confidence (α) = 0,05. Result showed that presence variant in the proportion of glycerin and gelatin affected physical properties of legundi leaf extract chewable lozenges. The more proportion of gelatin will lengthen dissolving time (significance < 0,05), and the more proportion of glycerine the higher water level of chewable lozenges (significance < 0,05). Formulation of chewable lozenges affect to bioavailability of viteksikarpin from preparation. The more proportion of gelatin the fewer bioavailability of viteksikarpin. Based on taste test legundi leaf extract chewable lozenges subjectively, formula II is the most favorite by respondent.
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Faculty of Pharmacy
Universitas Gadjah Mada